Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan - Draft Alternatives Phase II
Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan - Draft Alternatives Phase II
This project will result in a strategic plan that identifies access management improvements to businesses and properties, mitigation of stormwater impacts, and active transportation (bicycle and pedestrian) improvements for the Route 20A (Big Tree Road) corridor from West Lake Road to East Lake Road in the Town of Livonia, Livingston County.
The project is being overseen by a steering commitee of local residents, business and property owners, and town, county, and state officials. The planning process includes data collection and analysis of current conditions, a needs assessment and community visioning process, and recommendations for future action. A consultant team is handling the technical work of developing the project.
The steering committee is committed to providing community members with ample opportunities to engage in the planning process and provide feedback on important questions and decisions regarding the future development of the corridor.
Based on data and input received in the earlier phase of this planning study, goals are to incorporate complete streets concepts, stormwater management, access management, and improving opportunity for economic development. The project team has developed concepts centered around identified needs and goals.
Concepts were presented at a public workshop on Wednesday evening, July 12. We are currently collecting feedback on corridor concepts.
This graphic is a summary of the previous public meeting held on March 28th, 2023. Some recurring themes from this round of outreach were; the absence of sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes, frequent flooding, illegal parking along the road, and a lack of connectivity between locations. Feedback was visualized on a graphic showing “hot spots” along Big Tree Road. The online survey also provided respondents affiliation to the corridor (81% being fulltime residents), primary modes of transportation, and how they feel about the existing corridor conditions. Learn more about Phase 1- Existing Conditions and Needs
East Lake Road/Bronson Hill Road Intersection:
Proposed Option 1 shows enhanced safety with left turn lanes, and pedestrian accommodations including crosswalks. Due to the existing topography of the intersection, construction costs would be high as well as a complex design, permitting, and construction.
Proposed Option 2 shows pedestrian accommodations with sidewalks and crosswalks since there is currently an absence of walking space and multi-modal accommodations due to the topography and angle of streets intersecting at this location.
Sections & Concepts on Big Tree Road:
Proposed Condition 1 shows a sidewalk on the north side of the corridor only.
Proposed Condition 2 shows two sidewalks, one on each side of the corridor.
Proposed Condition 3 shows two sidewalks, one on the north side of the corridor and the other on the south side, as well as a large buffer for street amenities such as furniture, bicycle racks, or landscaping and stormwater plantings.
Proposed Condition 4 shows one sidewalk on the north side of the corridor and a shared use path on the south side separating recreational bicyclists from traffic and sharing space with pedestrians.
Rochester Road Intersection:
Proposed Option 1 depicts the intersection as a roundabout for improved geometry and circulation, with pedestrian accommodations including crosswalks and sidewalks. This is a gateway opportunity and would provide traffic calming. This portion of the project would have a high cost and complex design, permitting, and construction.
Proposed Option 2 depicts maintaining a traffic signal but with improved geometry through a realignment of the southern approach. Pedestrian accommodations are provided by pedestrian signals and crosswalks. It is proposed to do a traffic signal replacement for improved traffic signal timings and intersection operations.
Vitale Park Entrance:
Proposed condition depicts sidewalks, crosswalks, and other multi-modal accommodations. The entrance of the park is enhanced with landscaping and signage. Driveways are better defined by removing excess asphalt and replacing with grass.
West Lake Road Intersection:
The proposed condition shows sidewalks, crosswalks and other multi-modal accommodations, enhances the intersection functionality, and implements access management with defined driveways. A sense of place is created through landscaping and signing. Landscaping and stormwater management is proposed to protect Conesus Lake by improving water quality and reducing water quantity that is outlet to the lake.
Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan - Public Meeting #2 (Draft alternatives)
Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan Public Meeting #2. Join us at an open-house to review proposed draft transportation improvements along Big Tree Road in the hamlet of Lakeville. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from 5- 7 p.m. at Little Lake Brewing, located at 5857 Big Tree Road, Lakeville, NY 14480.