C20-2023-043 Downtown Parking Modifications was approved by City Council on May 30, 2024. Click to view the adopted ordinance


On February 1, 2024, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20240201-054, initiating changes to the Land Development Code to modify non-zoning parking regulations so that the regulations meet parking needs more efficiently, achieve the goals of reducing the overall number of new parking spaces built within downtown, and create a more walkable, pedestrian-oriented built environment with fewer large above-ground parking structures.


Summary of Proposed Amendment

The proposed code amendments will:

  1. Revise the existing “soft parking cap”:
    • Properties zoned CBD and DMU: Soft parking maximum reduced from 60% to 40% of former Appendix A requirement.
    • Developments under 10,000 sq ft or with 70 or fewer residential units can continue to include up to 60% of parking spaces formerly required by Appendix A.
  2. Only allow more parking than the “soft cap” under certain conditions:
    • The director may allow more parking than the soft cap allows if:
      • There is no risk to public health, safety, or welfare and it aligns with planning policies for the area; and
      • Parking is part of a shared parking facility; or
      • Parking is rented or sold separately from the building space; or
      • Parking is designed and constructed for conversion to usable building space in the future; or
      • Parking is underground; or
      • Mitigation Fees are paid for parking built above the parking maximum and go toward multimodal improvements.
  3. Reduce the absolute maximum amount of car parking allowed:
    • Current parking maximum reduced from 110% to 80% of parking spaces of former Appendix A requirement.
    • All developments allowed up to 100% of parking spaces of former Appendix A requirement, if excess spaces above the 80% limit are included underground.


Review and Adoption Timeline

  • April 30, 2024: Recommended for approval by the Planning Commission
  • May 30, 2024: Approved by City Council


The What are Parking Maximums? and Proposed Changes tabs provide more information about parking maximums and a more detailed summary of the proposed changes.


Case Manager Contact

Cole Kitten, Transportation and Public Works Department, Cole.Kitten@austintexas.gov

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Public Hearing Information and Timeline

Public hearings are an opportunity to have your voice heard on proposed changes to the Land Development Code.

Open House (In-Person)

When: Wednesday, April 17 from 6-8 p.m.

Where: Central Library, 710 Cesar Chavez Street

Joint Housing and Planning Committee and Mobility Committee Meeting

When: Tuesday, April 23 at 1 p.m. 

Where: Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street

Planning Commission Meeting

When: Tuesday, April 30 at 4 p.m. 

Where: Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street

City Council Meeting

When: Thursday, May 30 at 10 a.m.

Where: Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street