About the King County Parks Levy

The King County Parks Levy runs on a six-year cycle, with the current levy running from 2020-2025. Currently, about 80% of the total budget for King County Parks comes from the levy. The main goals of the King County Parks Levy are:


   Existing Parks & Trails 
Take care of King County’s existing system of parks and trails, ensuring the system remains clean, safe and open.
   Regional Trails
Improve regional trails and mobility, ensuring that essential connections are completed and existing trails are maintained.
   Increase Access
Make parks and recreation opportunities more accessible for all King County residents to enjoy.
   Open Space 
Grow and connect regional open space and natural lands, protecting habitat important for fish and wildlife and providing recreation opportunities.



Frequently Asked Questions

The King County Parks Levy is a voter-approved property tax that keeps regional and city parks, trails, and open spaces available for everyone. No matter where you are in King County, the Parks Levy goes to support your local parks and trails. 

The King County Parks Levy runs on a six-year cycle, with about 80% of the total budget for King County Parks generated by the current (2020-2025) levy. The main goals of the King County Parks Levy are:  

  • Keep existing parks and trails open, clean, and safe 

  • Make parks and recreation more accessible for all King County residents to enjoy 

  • Improve regional trails 

  • Grow and connect natural lands and open spaces, preserving important habitat 

The levy is important because it keeps both King County and local cities' parks and trails open. Funding from the King County Parks Levy also supports key community benefits, such as grants for community organizations to run recreational programs, purchase of community lands, city projects and programs, and more.  

Yes! Levy funds go to cities, towns, and unincorporated parks, trails, and open spaces. No matter where you are in King County, the Parks Levy goes to support your local parks and trails.  

In the current 2020-2025 King County Parks Levy, an estimated $61.5 million is going to parks in cities and towns. Public pools and river corridors in local cities and towns received an additional $66.4 million total. Construction projects and levy-funded community grants also benefit communities throughout the county.  

The 2020-2025 King County Parks Levy is a countywide property tax based on assessed value. It was projected to generate about $810 million over the course of six years and has grown slightly as property values, population and inflation increased. The 2024 estimated property tax rate is 19.43 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. The cost of the 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy is still being determined as we gather additional input. 

We’re glad you asked! King County Parks is soliciting public feedback now through April 2024. Your voice matters. Let us know what should be included in the upcoming Parks Levy to support your community.

Complete the survey by April 29 and/or attend an upcoming community meeting on April 9 or 23. Go to KingCounty.gov/ParksLevy for the survey and the latest event information.  

The overall process for developing the 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy is: 

  • Now through May 2024: Input from Tribes, local cities, non-profits, the public, and others  

  • Summer 2024:  

  • Summary report from community feedback  

  • Draft levy proposal will be created based on all public, tribal, partner, and King County leadership feedback   

  • Fall 2024: Draft proposal shared with the King County Executive for review and feedback 

  • Early 2025: King County Executive transmits levy proposal for King County Council review, feedback, and possible approval 

  • Summer/Fall 2025: Finalized 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy proposal on ballot for King County voter approval

King County Parks Levy FAQs

What kinds of projects are made possible by the King County Parks Levy? 

Below are examples of projects from the current, 2020-2025 King County Parks Levy.

Sign Up for King County Parks Levy Updates

2026-2031 King County Parks Levy Timeline

Input from Tribes, the public, cities/towns, and others

March - May 2024

Summary Report from Community Feedback

Summer 2024

Draft Levy Proposal Creation

Summer 2024

Draft levy proposal created based on public, tribal, partner, and King County leadership feedback

Draft Proposal Shared With Executive

Fall 2024

Draft proposal shared with the King County Executive for review and feedback

Levy Proposal to King County Council

Early 2025

King County Executive brings levy proposal to King County Council for review, feedback, and possible approval

Finalized Levy on Ballot

Summer/Fall 2025

Finalized 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy proposal on ballot for King County voter approval