Question title

1. Name (Optional):

Question title

2. Zip code (Optional)

Question title

3. Which of the following best describes your interest in this project? (Choose all that apply)

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4. Do you support reducing the number of travel lanes from two lanes to one lane in each direction (4 total to 2 total)? (Please see Question #5 below to provide a reason for your answer)

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5. Please specify your reason for Question #4:

Question title

6. Would reducing the number of travel lanes from two lanes to one lane in each direction (4 total to 2 total) affect your morning and evening commute?

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7. Do you support assigning the outside two lanes as managed lanes (no cars allowed, only cyclists and transit) during non-peak hours? (Please see Question #8 below to provide a reason for your answer)

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8. Please specify your reason for Question #7:

Question title

9. Do you have concerns about the “Option 1 – Two-Sided Protected Recreation Area” concept? (Please see Question #10 below to provide a reason for your answer)

9. Do you have concerns about the Option 1 Two-Sided Protected Recreation Area concept? (Please see Question #10 below to provide a reason for your answer)
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10. Please specify your reason for Question #9.

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11. Do you have concerns about the “Option 2 – One-Sided Protected Recreation Area” concept? (Please see Question #12 below to provide a reason for your answer)

11. Do you have concerns about the Option 2 One-Sided Protected Recreation Area concept? (Please see Question #12 below to provide a reason for your answer)
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12. Please specify your reason for Question # 11:

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13. Do you have concerns about the “Option 3 – Widened Sidewalks” concept? (Please see Question #14 below to provide a reason for your answer)

13. Do you have concerns about the Option 3 Widened Sidewalks concept? (Please see Question #14 below to provide a reason for your answer)
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14. Please specify your reason for Question #13:

Question title

15. Which of the concepts presented do you feel best meets the needs of the community? (Please see Question #16 below to provide a reason for your answer)

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16. Please specify your reason for Question #15:

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17. Which bridge width do you feel best meets the needs of the community? (Please see Question #18 to provide a reason for your answer)

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18. Please specify your reason for Question #17:

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19. Did you find sufficient information was provided during the Citizen Information Meeting to understand the general options being considered? (Please see Question #20 below to provide a reason for your answer)

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20. Please specify your reason for Question #19:

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21. How did you hear about this meeting? (Check all that apply)

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