Measure C Renewal Community Engagement Hub
Measure C Renewal Community Engagement Hub
Measure C is a half-cent sales tax aimed at improving the overall quality of Fresno County's transportation system.
In 1986, Fresno County voters passed Measure C, a half-cent sales tax to improve the quality of Fresno County's transportation system in the County and 15 cities. During its first 20 years, Measure C delivered over $1 billion in improvements to state highways, county roads and city streets. Due to the success of the original measure, 78% of voters approved extending Measure C for an additional 20 years, from 2007-2027. The extension expenditure plan expanded Measure C's role to fund six programs for many different transportation improvements and programs with revenues of $1.4 billion.
As the extension measure comes to an end, a second renewal effort has begun. This site will provide documents and updates about the Measure C renewal process as it moves forward.
Spanish (coming soon!)
July 25, 2024
Fresno COG Policy Board Approval to Move Forward
At their regular, public meeting the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) Policy Board authorized the interim executive director to coordinate with the Fresno County Transportation Authority and begin the process of crafting the 2026 Measure C3 expenditure plan, including gathering board member, stakeholder, local jurisdiction and public input.
July - November, 2024
City Council Presentations
Fresno COG's Interim Executive Director, Robert Phipps, and Fresno County Transportation Authority Executive Director, Terry Ogle, visiting each city council meeting to let them know that the Measure C Renewal process is beginning, welcoming discussion and feedback.
Community and Stakeholder Discussions
Directors also meeting with community groups and business representatives as opportunity arises.
October 2024
Fresno COG's Standing Committees and Policy Board Approve Overall Work Program Budget Amendment
The Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) and Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings were held on October 8. As required before releasing requests for proposals, the committees were asked to approve two items:
- Recommend the Board authorize the executive director to sign a cooperative agreement with Fresno County Transportation Authority for $1.75 million (to release four requests for proposals, seeking consultants to assist with the renewal development)
- Recommend the Board authorize an amendment to the 2024-25 (Fresno COG) Overall Work Program and budget to increase Work Element 210 - Measure C Planning by $1.75 million (so that Fresno COG's budget reflects the authorized amount)
The committees approved both actions.
The agendas for these meetings are hosted at the following links:
The Fresno COG Policy Board approved the same items at their regularly scheduled meeting on Oct. 24. Therefore, staff will amend the Fresno COG 2024-2025 Overall Work Program (OWP) as required, increasing Work Element 210's funding by $1.75 million. The cooperative agreement approval and budget amendment are required before releasing the Measure C Renewal RFPs.
Fresno County Transportation Authority Board Authorization
At their regularly scheduled meeting on October 16, the Fresno County Transportation Authority Board authorized initiation of the Measure C Renewal to be placed on the 2026 ballot.
November 1, 2024
Release Requests For Proposals
Four requests for proposal (RFPs) were released on November 1. They are available on Fresno COG's "Doing Business With Fresno COG" webpage, and Fresno COG's "Measure C Renewal Documents" webpage.
The four requests for proposals will be for the following:
- Project manager, to organize and manage statutory requirements and information/input from the public, MC3 renewal committee(s), stakeholders and elected representatives, develop and craft the final draft expenditure plan, as directed: $650,000
- Public outreach firm, to coordinate and hold a minimum, anticipated 40 public workshops/meetings throughout the region, create and manage social media and radio advertising, billboards, focus groups, and multiple other strategies designed to maximize transparent, thorough and meaningful public input from community residents on specific project ideas, program areas and other components that make up the next Measure C initiative: $750,000, with a minimum $150,000 reserved for community-based organizations to host public workshops/meetings
- Meeting/Community Facilitator to bring together disparate interests, stakeholders, jurisdictional representatives and the public as part of one or more committees to receive, address and consider public input as well as professional, technical and policy analysis in making recommendations to the Fresno COG and FCTA boards of directors: $200,000
- Survey research firm to provide statistically valid survey results to determine public familiarity with Measure C and its performance to date, test voter sentiment regarding the viability of a renewal initiative and recommend communications/messaging suitable for a renewal effort: $150,000
The deadline for submitting RFP questions is Nov. 29 and all proposals are due by Dec. 13. The RFP timeline dictates that contracts for each will be approved and signed by the end of January 2025; however, not all contracts would necessarily have to be activated at once.
November - January 2024
Fresno COG's Standing Committees and Policy Board Meeting Content
At their meetings throughout the month, the TTC/PAC/Policy Board will receive presentations from Fresno COG staff outlining initial ideas for the Measure C Renewal development process. Direction from the Policy Board and public are welcomed.
November 2024 - March 2025
Measure C Renewal Committee Formation
One committee will be charged with drafting a recommended Measure C Renewal Plan, the Measure C Renewal Committee. They are responsible for developing both a draft and final expenditure plan for the proposed 2026 Measure C sales tax extension, which will be placed on the 2026 ballot. Committee members will engage in a collaborative, participatory process, contributing their expertise and perspectives as representatives of Fresno County taxpayers. Their work will help ensure that the renewal plan reflects the community’s needs and priorities for improvements throughout the region. Committee members may expect to meet monthly for up to two hours, with the first meeting anticipated to be a half-day. Only Fresno County residents are eligible to sit on the committee.
If you are interested in sitting on the Renewal Committe complete an Expression of Interest Form. from the Get Involved page.
All meetings will be virtually visable, open, public meetings. Meeting recordings will be available following each meeting on this community information hub and Fresno COG's YouTube channel.
As the process moves forward, it is envisioned that subcomittees will be formed to create initial, detailed drafts of measure programs. Those initial drafts will be presented to the full committee and the public for review and discussion at regularly scheduled Renewal Committee meetings.
December 2025
Consultant Proposals Due Per Proposal Timelines
Proposals will be evaluated for completeness by staff. Scoring committees will be formed, interviews may be held, and a recommendation will be forwarded to Fresno COG's standing committee, the TTC, PAC and ultimately the Fresno COG Policy Board for consideration at their January 2025 regular meeting.
January 2025
Fresno COG's Standing Committees and Policy Board Meetings - Approval of Measure C Consultant Selection
At their meetings throughout the month, the TTC/PAC/Policy Board will receive a presentation regarding the four sets of RFP proposals and scoring committee recommendations. The Policy Board will be asked to approve the recommendations and direct the Executive Director to enter into contract with each consultant.
March 2025 - February 2026
Renewal Expenditure Plan Development
Over this one year period a Measure C Renewal Plan would be drafted.
February 2026 - April 2026
City Council Approval of Measure C Renewal Plan
Fresno Council of Governments and the Fresno County Transportation Authority will present the final draft Measure C Renewal Expenditure Plan to each city council within Fresno County, requesting approval of the plan.
May 2026
Fresno County Board of Supervisors Approval
The Fresno County Board Of Supervisors will be asked to approve the Measure C Renewal Expenditure Plan and place it on the November 2026 ballot.