NC NEVI Networking Database
NC NEVI Networking Database
North Carolina National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program
The N.C. NEVI Program will initiate a procurement process in fall 2023 to install Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) EV stations along the State’s Alternative Fuel Corridors. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) anticipates entities that are interested in deploying EV Supply Equipment (EVSE) under the NEVI program will form teams potentially consisting of: Site Developers, EVSE Providers, and Site Hosts.
To help these entities prepare to respond to the procurement process, NCDOT is facilitating two networking opportunities: an online database and a networking event. The intent of the networking is to introduce and connect stakeholders who may want to partner on charging station development.
The questionaire below will be used to develop NCDOT's NEVI Networking Database.
The database is intended solely for those interested in being part of EV charging station deployment teams.
Responses to the database questionnaire will be available to all respondents via a publicly available database posted to the NCDOT NEVI website.
NCDOT is not vetting any of the entities providing information to the database. It is the responsibility of the entity providing the proposal to perform any due diligence on entities it chooses to include in its proposal.
If you have any trouble filling out this form, please reach out to the project team via the following email: