The North Highline Subarea Plan Public Review Draft begins with a introduction section that explains why King County is planning for North Highline's future, centers equity and social justice as a driver for the plan, and states that, "the ultimate goal of the North Highline Subarea Plan is to make real, equitable improvements to the quality of life who lives, works, and plays in North Highline."

Question title

Do you support the plan's introductory goal statement?

78 responses

The introduction describes North Highline’s planning history with a summary of past community planning efforts, including:

  • Highline Community Plan (1977) and Area Zoning (1981)
  • White Center Community Action Plan and Area Zoning (1994)

There is a brief description of the Community Needs List process that was begun in 2020 and how it is associated with but a separate effort from the Subarea Plan.

Next is a short explanation of how the Subarea Plan chapters are arranged. With the exception of the introduction, vision, and community context chapters, each chapter follows this format:

  • Background and context
  • Discussion of the community’s priorities and needs
  • Subarea-specific policies

The introduction section concludes with an explanation of what equity and social justice mean to King County and that the County is committed to being: 

  • Inclusive and collaborative,
  • Diverse and people focused,
  • Responsive and adaptive,
  • Transparent and accountable,
  • Racially just, and
  • Focused upstream and where needs are greatest.

An analysis of equity impacts associated with the proposed policies and associated land use and zoning map amendments is provided in Appendix C of the Public Review Draft.

Question title

Do you have any comments about the introduction section? Please share them here.

Closed for Comments

Reminder, the text provide on this page is a summary and not the actual North Highline Subarea Plan Public Review Draft. To see the full text of the Subarea Plan and Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments, download the documents using the links above. 

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NOTE: New Survey Question Added in Map Amendment Section of Survey 11/9/2021

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