Vicinity Map

Open House Public Meetings (the same information will be presented at each meeting)


  Completed - July 16, 2024

Pinehurst Elementary

100 Dundee Road, Pinehurst

 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm   

No formal presentation will be made 


Completed - July 18, 2024

N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, Moore County​

707 Pinehurst Avenue, Carthage

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

No formal presentation will be made


 Completed - July 23, 2024

Aberdeen First Baptist Church

700 N Sandhills Boulevard, Aberdeen

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

No formal presentation will be made


Handout for all meetings

Project Overview

The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes improvements to the Pinehurst Traffic Circle from Page Road (S.R. 1208) to South of Pinehurst Manor Drive in Moore County.

The purpose of the project is to improve traffic safety and operations and increase the intersection capacity and efficiency. The total length of the project is approximately 1 mile.

  • The existing typical section in the project area consists of a single-lane traffic circle with right-turn by-pass lanes. 

  • The proposed project will improve traffic safety and congestion by replacing the traffic circle with a Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI).

  • The design would create a single major intersection of U.S. 15-501 and N.C. 211 / N.C. 2 in the middle of the existing Pinehurst Traffic Circle that separately serves through movements along with bi-directional left-turn and right-turn movements at a single coordinated two-phase traffic signal.

  • A free-flow southbound merge lane area for N.C. 211/N.C. 2 eastbound to southbound traffic and an unsignalized U-turn median break along U.S. 15-501 south of Pinehurst Manor Drive are included in the current design.


Project History

NCDOT initiated STIP Project U-5976 in 2013. The project was developed to address the traffic operations, safety concerns, and high crash incidence occurring at the traffic circle.

Due to the project sitting within the boundaries of a National Historic Landmark of the traffic circle, NCDOT worked to maintain the traffic circle structure and provide upgrades to the existing design. Engagement with stakeholders and local officials has been ongoing throughout the design development process.

After analyzing numerous design alternatives (18), traffic analyses determined that the CFI alternative, as described in the Project Highlights section, would address the Purpose and Need of the project to the greatest extent by improving traffic operations and safety at the intersection over the long-term. 

Question title

How far do you live from the Pinehurst Traffic Circle?

Less than 1 mile
1- 3 miles
3 - 5 miles
5 - 10 miles
Greater than 10 miles
Closed to responses

Project Map

To view or download project map click here or on the map below

(The map will open in a new window for viewing or downloading)

The map file is large and may be slow to load.




Watch this short video for more information about Continous Flow Intersections in North Carolina


Question title

How frequently do you use the traffic circle?

More than once a day
Once a week
Once a month
Less than once a month
Closed to responses

Question title

Are you content with the current traffic conditions at the traffic circle?

Very Content
Closed to responses


Improvements proposed:

Main Intersection Area and General Notes

Currently a one-lane traffic circle with partial dedicated right turn lanes

  • U.S. 15-501 and N.C. 211/N.C. 2 (Midland Road) traffic flows for through movements and left-turn movements will be progressed in both directions through the entire design to minimize stops.  Left-turns made at upstream cross-over intersections will experience a green light at the main intersection to keep traffic flowing.

  • New intersection traffic signals will be synchronized with existing traffic signals at N.C. 211/Page Road and U.S. 15-501/Memorial Drive, along with the new traffic signal at Airport Road to further benefit progression of traffic throughout the area.

  • In all cases, as traffic is heading towards the main intersection area from any direction, motorists desiring to turn left will get in the left lane(s) to complete that eventual maneuver and motorists going right will get into the right lanes.

  • Addition of synchronized intersection (replacing traffic circle).

  • Addition of raised concrete median islands separating opposing traffic.

  • Availability of large beautification / planting areas on the outside of each corner.

Heading Northbound on U.S. 15-501

Currently two travel lanes

inner lane for traffic circle entry, outer lane for right-turn to N.C. 2 (Midland Road) eastbound

  • Construct signalized cross-over intersection with two left-turn crossover lanes for traffic destined for N.C. 211 westbound and Midland Road southbound.  U.S. 15-501 northbound through and N.C. 2 (Midland Road) eastbound right-turn traffic continue to free flow to main intersection area.

  • Construct free-flowing right-turn lane at the main intersection that has a downstream signalized intersection with eastbound N.C. 2 (Midland Road) traffic east of the main CFI intersection.

  • Through traffic on U.S. 15-501northbound continues through main intersection to downstream cross-over intersection signal where N.C. 211 and N.C. 2 turning traffic will merge with U.S. 15-501northbound.

  • Addition of raised concrete median islands at intersection points.

  • Continue to utilize raised grassed median between opposing directions of traffic

Heading Eastbound on Midland Road (Formerly N.C. 2)

Currently two travel lanes

inner lane for traffic circle entry, outer lane for right-turn to U.S. 15-501 southbound

  • Slightly realign the existing intersection with Dalrymple Road/PGA Boulevard and provide left-turn lanes from Midland Road to these two side streets. Retain existing lanes and full movement access for these roadways.

  • Realign Midland Road to tie into N.C. 211 approximately 450 feet west of its current approach to the Pinehurst Traffic Circle (which also will be the location of the N.C. 211 left-turn crossover to proceed northbound on U.S. 15-501). 

    • Provide a through lane at this intersection for traffic from Midland Road to U.S. 15-501northbound. 

    • Provide two right-turn lanes for traffic heading either to N.C. 2 (Midland Road) eastbound or U.S. 15-501southbound.

  • All three destinations (15-501 Northbound, N.C. 2/Midland Road eastbound, and 15-501 Southbound) will encounter a cross-over traffic signal as described for that particular leg’s approach to the existing PTC.

  • Traffic Accessing N.C. 211 to head westbound will make a right-turn at the realigned/cross-over signal with N.C. 211 head through the main intersection and use a designated signalized U-turn bulb to head back on N.C. 211 westbound.

  • Addition of raised median grassed island with curb. (Existing is depressed grassed island with no paved shoulder.)

Heading Eastbound on N.C. 211 (Yadkin Road)

Currently two travel lanes

inner lane for traffic circle entry, outer lane for right-turn to Midland Road southbound

  • Construct signalized cross-over intersection (that also ties to realigned Midland Road as described above) with

    • one left-turn crossover lane –

    • three lanes of traffic continue to free flow to main intersection area, two of which are the existing travel lanes and an added lane for right-turn traffic develops prior to the cross-over signalized intersection.

  • Construct free-flowing right-turn lane for N.C. 211 Eastbound traffic that has signalized intersection with southbound U.S. 15-501 traffic south of the main intersection.

  • Through traffic continues through main intersection to downstream cross-over intersection signal where U.S. 15-501northbound turning traffic will merge with N.C. 2 (Midland Road) traffic heading eastbound.

Heading Southbound on U.S. 15-501

Currently two travel lanes

inner lane for traffic circle entry, outer lane for right-turn to N.C. 211 westbound

  • Construct signalized cross-over intersection with one left-turn crossover lane for traffic destined for N.C. 2 (Midland Road).  

    • U.S. 15-501 southbound through and right-turn traffic destined for N.C. 211 / Midland Road continue to free flow to main intersection area.

  • Construct free-flowing right-turn lane that has signalized intersection with N.C. 211 and Midland Road west of the main intersection. 

    • Separate lanes for the intersection approach are provided for the Midland Road westbound (through) and N.C. 211 westbound (right-turn) movements.

  • Through traffic on U.S. 15-501 continues through main intersection to downstream cross-over intersection signal where N.C. 211 and N.C. 2 turning traffic will merge with U.S. 15-501southbound.

  •  Addition of raised grassed median with curb.

Heading Eastbound on N.C. 2

Currently two travel lanes

inner lane for traffic circle entry, outer lane for right-turn to U.S. 15-501 northbound

Unsignalized intersection at Airport Road

  • Realign Airport Road intersection and signalize.  Remove additional existing legs for Hillard Road.

  • Construct signalized cross-over intersection with one left-turn crossover lane for left-turning traffic destined for U.S. 15-501 southbound.  N.C. 211/Midland Road westbound through and right-turn traffic destined for U.S. 15-501 northbound continue to main intersection area in three lanes.  The signalized U-turn intersection for Midland Road northbound to N.C. 211 westbound will be paired with the crossover intersection for signal timing purposes.

  • Construct free-flowing right-turn lane approaching the main intersection that has a signalized intersection with U.S. 15-501 northbound traffic north of the main intersection. 

  • Through traffic on N.C. 2 (Midland Road) continues through the main intersection and splits for left-turns onto Midland Road southbound and N.C. 211 westbound at the cross-over intersection signal where N.C. 211 and realigned Midland Road intersect

  • Addition of raised grassed median with curb.



Question title

Do you support modifying the traffic circle to improve future traffic conditions?

Not at all
For the most part
Closed to responses

Question title

What is an acceptable wait/delay time at the traffic circle?

Less than 1 minute
1 - 2 minutes
2 - 5 minutes
5 - 10 minutes
more than 10 minutes
Closed to responses


Visualizations of proposed intersection are shown below








Typical Sections - 

U.S. 15/501 looking toward intersection









Project Funding



Estimated Cost* 

Utility Cost

  $    2.4 Million   

Right of Way Acquisition

$  23.8 Million   


$  28.1 Million   

Total Cost

   $  54.3 Million   

* Costs shown are estimates and subject to change

Project Timeline



Estimated Date* 

Environmental Document

November 2026

 Right of Way Acquisition Begins

February 2027

 Construction Begins

August 2030

*  Future dates are subject to change

Project Comments

NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.  

All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.

To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,

please submit before August 23, 2024

The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, by email, or project hotline:



Hotline: 984-205-6615    enter project code 7045 to leave a message.

Project Contacts

Gregory Davis, PE 

Rhonda Early, PE

Project Engineer

Consultant Project Manager

NCDOT Highway Division 8


121 DOT Drive

4000 Main at North Hills Street, Suite 500

Carthage, NC  28327

Raleigh, NC  27609


Question title

Would you like to sign up to receive email updates on the project?

Question title

Please provide any comments or questions you may have about the project.

Closed for Comments



Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish