About the Sykesville to McKeldin Area Project

The Sykesville to McKeldin Segment of the Patapsco Regional Greenway consists of two sections - 1) the western portion near downtown Sykesville and 2) the eastern portion near the McKeldin area of the Patapsco Valley State Park. Click on each tab to view details.  

About the Preferred Alternative 

In Spring 2021, a comment period was held to gather feedback on the alignment of each of these trail segments. After reviewing comments, a route for each section was selected. 

The purpose of this comment period is to share the proposed alignments and solicit public feedback. Details are available by clicking through each tab

Share Your Thoughts 

The public is invited to share their feedback on the preferred alternatives for the Patapsco Regional Greenway: Sykesville to McKeldin Segment from Thursday, September 30, 2021 through Friday, October 29, 2021. 

There are several ways you can provide comments:

  • Join Us for a Public Meeting on Thursday, September 30 at 6:00 p.m. Register  
  • Add your comments to our project page at publicinput.com/prgsykesville 
  • Email your thoughts to prgsykesville@PublicInput.com
  • Text prgsykesville to 855-925-2801 to share your comments 
  • Call us at 855-925-2801 x 3163 and leave a voicemail with your feedback
  • Share your thoughts via Twitter at @BaltoMetroCo @BmoreInvolved | Use #BRTBlistens

Comments received using the methods detailed above are documented as part of the public record and are posted online at www.baltometro.org.

Question title

Do you have any comments on the preferred alternatives for the Patapsco Regional Greenway – Sykesville to McKeldin segment?

Closed for Comments
Sean ParkerHow is Carroll County Parks and Rec going to handle the influx of river users with this trail providing easier access? How is Patapsco Park staff going to be able to handle the influx of trash along the river?
Reply6 Agree3 years ago
Keith Kucharek (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)) (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC))Mr. Parker,
Thank you for your questions regarding the proposed trails from Sykesville to McKeldin. We appreciate your questions and are happy to respond.

We have been coordinating with Maryland Park Service (MPS) which is a branch of DNR since the beginning of this pr...See More
3 years ago
Mr ZDon’t see why we need a trail from Baltimore to Sykesville, but whatever. Two things: the maps/illustrations are terrible, you can do way better. Secondly, wherever this trail dumps to a road (say Marriottsville Rd), there will be parking issues, (as there already is at Marriotts...See More
Reply5 Agree3 years ago
John Smith Jr.You sound like a typical driver. Cyclists (ordinary citizens riding bikes) have the right to ride on the road and are protected under Maryland law to do so. As a former Howard County resident and L.A.B. certified cycling instructor specializing in safe cycling, I can attest to th...See More
3 Agree3 years ago
John SmithWhat we need to do is get these cyclists off our roads. Do you know how many times I almost hit some crazy cyclist with a death wish? We should just give em a trail and they'll be out of sight and out of mind. Better yet, if some of those terrible Baltimore drivers commute on thi...See More
1 Agree3 years ago
Keith Kucharek (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)) (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC))Mr. Z,
Thank you for your interest in the Sykesville to McKeldin Trail project.

Based on survey results from our public outreach, many potential users indicated they intend to bike or walk to the new trail vs driving which could help with some parking concerns, but par...See More
3 years ago
DillonPlease provide adequate biking infrastructure. Paint on roads is not enough. Protected or separated biking paths, as well as bike racks are key infrastructure to allow for safe and convient biking.
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Keith Kucharek (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)) (Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC))Thank you for providing feedback on the proposed Sykeville to McKeldin trails.

The eastern alignment through Patapsco Valley State Park is a standalone trail that is more suited to mountain biking and hiking. As for the western section of trail from Freedom Park to downto...See More
3 years ago
BRANDON S.As a Sykesville resident I'm happy to see the connection form Downtown to Freedom Park finally coming true. Too long had we had to walk/run on Raincliffe Rd, which is VERY dangerous, to get to the Park. As for the western segments, I'd like to see connection to Freedom to allow f...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Then more green and car alternatives the better or business, environment, and personal well-being
Reply4 Agree3 years ago

Question title

To help us ensure we are reaching people from around the region, please enter your zip code

This question is closed to responses.

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Your responses help us understand who we're hearing from and ensure we reach a broad, representative set of voices.

All responses are private and are used only to help us improve our outreach and understanding.

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Thank you for providing your input!

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Thank you!

Your responses help us understand who we're hearing from and ensure we reach a broad, representative set of voices.

Winter 2021 - Project launch

Develop preliminary alignment alternatives and review with project Steering and Advisory Committees

Spring 2021 - Soliciting Public Input

BMC will solicit public comments from May 6 though June 11 with a public meeting on May 27. 

Summer 2021 - Review and Revise

Following the comment period, all comments will be considered by the project team and committees. Alignments will be revised based upon input received. 

Fall 2021 - Soliciting Public Comments

An updated set of designs will be shared with the public for a second comment period. The 30% design process is expected to be completed in December 2021

bicycle equestrian and pedestrian icons