Strategic Development Areas can be categorized as First Neighbourhoods and Major Node Areas.

The First Neighbourhoods of Sault Ste. Marie are the initial major settlement areas within the City, including the Downtown. These neighbourhoods should be the focus of intensification and revitalization activities, thereby helping the area continue to become a vibrant, resilient and diverse community that provides a range of housing options for all residents. This includes affordable and attainable housing for families, seniors, and smaller households.

Major Node Areas are lands that have significant development potential to become mixed-use neighbourhoods with safe walkable access to a variety of services, amenities, and housing. Major Node Areas are typically located along or near a highly travelled route, have good access to public transportation, and have active transportation options nearby. They may also be centered around Large Scale Activity Hubs that generate significant activity and employment for the community. Within Major Node Areas, the City will encourage a complete mix of land uses with an emphasis on filling land use gaps and creating complete neighbourhoods that can meet a variety of needs, such as living, working, education, shopping, recreation, etc. 

Strategic Development Areas Boundaries

The approved Strategic Development Areas shown in the map below. Download a PDF version of this map here.

OP Schedule C - Land Use


How were these boundaries determined?

The First Neighbourhoods are comprised of the oldest settlement area of the City. Most residential units in this area were constructed prior to 1945. This area includes Downtown and the Steelton, Wellington West, Buckley and Bayview neighbourhoods, as well as the areas north of Downtown but south of the hill (escarpment). There are several arterial roads in this area, including Queen Street, Wellington East and West, Korah Road, Wallace Terrace, Carmen's Way, North Street, etc. 

The following map shows a more detailed view of the proposed First Neighbourhoods boundary. It also shows the age of the residential housing stock for each property parcel within the proposed boundary: red or orange indicates the residence on the parcel was built before 1920, and so forth. Note that the Housing Action Plan indicates that this area will form the basis for the highest intensification activities, financial incentives, etc. You can read more about the Housing Action Plan here.

First Neighbourhoods by Year Built

The Other SDAs are lands that are within a 10-minute (800 metre) safe walkable distance to many amenities and services, including:

  • Retail Clusters - mainly groups of retail shops, restaurants, etc.
  • Grocery Stores - locations that sell fresh food (fruits, veggies, meat)
  • Health Services - pharmacies, doctor's offices, clinics, dentists
  • Developed Parks - owned by the Municipality
  • Schools - Elementary and Secondary
  • Indoor Community Centres - public libraries, arenas, pools, indoor soccer fields
  • Bus Stops

The following map shows how many of the above amenties/services each property in the Urban Settlement Area of Sault Ste. Marie is near. Purple indicates the parcel is near several amenities/services, while yellow indicates the property is only within a safe walkable distance to a few amenities. Properties that were located near most amenities were grouped and generalized into Other SDA areas, as seen in the map above.  


In-Person Open House (come and go) events took place on the following dates:

  • November 14, 2023 @ Northern Community Centre - 556 Goulais Avenue (Atrium Common Space) - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
  • November 15, 2023 @ Civic Centre - 99 Foster Drive - (Lobby 2nd Floor) - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
  • November 16, 2023 @ John Rhodes Community Centre - 260 Elizabeth Street - (Meeting Room 3) - 4:00pm to 7:00pm


The survey is now closed.


Who's Listening?

Steve Zuppa
Junior Planner, City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-759-5279

Planning Department
City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-759-5368

Project Timeline

Step 1: Compile and Analyze Location Data

Compile data on age of housing stock and locations of amenities and services. Map data and find congruent areas with access to many services and amenities.

Step 2: Draft Strategic Areas Map

Generalize Strategic Development Areas boundaries based on the Analysis in Step 1. Map out results.

Step 3: Community Consultation

Gather thoughts on the proposed Strategic Development Areas, specifically on the location and the methodology used to delineate the proposed boundaries.

Step 4: Refine Boundaries

Refine methodology used to delineate Major Node Areas (if necessary) based on the results of Step 3. Refine boundaries based on Step 3 and re-map results 

Step 5: Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment for SDAs was approved by Council on May 13, 2024.