REAP 2.0 Application Process
REAP 2.0 Application Process
Through the REAP 2.0 program, approximately $600 million will be made available statewide with the Fresno County region set to receive approximately $13 million to be administered by Fresno COG. REAP 2.0 seeks to accelerate infill housing development, reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further fair housing, and facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans to achieve these goals. The program was established as part of the 2021 California Comeback Plan under AB 140 and builds on the success of REAP 2019 but expands the program focus by integrating housing and climate goals, and allowing for broader planning and implementation investments, including infrastructure investments that support infill development that facilitates housing supply, choice, and affordability.
Applications were accepted October 1 – December 15, 2023. They are in the process of being scored at this time.
REAP 2.0 Project Application - pdf version (to request it in Word format email us at
REAP 2.0 Methodology Scoring Criteria
- All of Fresno COG’s member agencies are eligible to apply
- Community-Based Organizations and developers can apply as a subconsultant to a member agency
Project Eligibility Requirements
Projects must meet HCD’s strict criteria and demonstrate adherence to all REAP 2.0 program objectives:
- Accelerate infill housing development
- Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Increase housing supply at all affordability levels
- Affirmatively further fair housing
- Facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans
To submit comments or questions:
Voicemail (leave a message) - Dial 855-925-2801, project code #4481
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