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Project Pipeline is a performance-based planning program to identify cost-effective solutions to multimodal transportation needs in Virginia. Through this planning process, projects and solutions may be considered for funding through SMART SCALE, revenue sharing, interstate funding, and other funding programs. 

Study Partners

  • VDOT Richmond District    
  • City of Hopewell  
  • Tri-Cities Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)  
  • Petersburg Area Transit (PAT)  
  • WSP
  • Jacobs Inc.  

Project Description 

This study focuses on concepts targeting identified needs including roadway safety, reducing traffic congestion, and enhancing multimodal accessibility/connectivity (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) for approximately 0.38-mile of the Route 36 (Winston Churchill Drive) corridor from Miles Avenue to High Avenue, within the City of Hopewell. Winston Churchill Drive includes segments identified with VTrans Priority 1 District Needs and two intersections as VTrans Safety Improvement Nodes.

This Phase 2 survey is intended to obtain public input on the alternatives under consideration to address the issues that were identified by the study team and through the results of a Phase 1 survey that was conducted in August and September 2023. In general, most of the respondents to the Phase 1 survey identified the need to improve roadway safety and multimodal accessibility/connectivity.  The alternatives are not being compared to one another. They are being compared to the existing conditions.

Study Location

Study area map for Project Pipeline Study RI-23-09 depicting the Route 36 (Winston Churchill Drive) corridor between Miles Avenue and High Avenue within the City of Hopewell