Study Area

The study area extends from Perrowville Road to Graves Mill Road focusing on the shaded areas and numbered intersections below.

Map showing the study area and intersections

Question title

Rank what is the most important issue to you along Route 221.

Drag your top items in order of importance.

Question title

Which of the following safety issues concern you? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Do you experience congestion in the study area? If so, where and when? (Check all that apply.)

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Question title

What mobility issues do you typically experience when using the study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

When do you typically experience mobility issues in the study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

How often do you travel along the study area?

Select a response

Question title

When do you typically travel in the study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Why do you travel along the study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

What mode(s) of travel do you use when traveling along the study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

What multimodal facilities are needed along this study area? (Check all that apply.)

Select a response

Question title

Please drop a pin within the study area and share your concerns.