Study Area

The study area extends from Perrowville Road to Graves Mill Road, focusing on the shaded areas and numbered intersections below.

Map showing the study area and intersections

At a number of study intersections a thru-cut intersection is proposed.  Below is an explanation of how thru-cuts work. Additional information about thru-cuts can be found here.

VDOT graphic detailing how thru-cut intersections work.

The benefits of thru-cuts include:

  • Improved safety: Reduces the number of points where vehicles cross paths
  • Increased efficiency: Eliminates the side street through movements, allowing for fewer or shorter traffic signal phases, which reduces delay and increases capacity
  • Shorter wait times: Fewer traffic signal phases means less time stopped at the intersection
  • Cost effective: A thru-cut may be more cost-effective than adding lanes to improve capacity