Input Sought on Draft Wetlands Ordinance & Regulations


The City seeks public input on its draft wetlands ordinance and regulations. The City and its environmental consultant developed these draft documents with a Working Group made up of staff from the Planning and the Engineering Departments along with representatives from the City Council, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, local environmental groups, the development community, and the general public. The Working Group’s efforts have been informed by public input through three forums and an online survey, examples and best practices from other communities, and wetlands science. Recordings of the forums, which include an introduction to wetlands science and protection, are available through the project webpage.


The draft ordinance and its implementing regulations provide substantial protections beyond what is currently in place through the state’s Wetlands Protection Act and Salem’s existing ordinance. They establish a new 25’ no-disturb area as well as a 50’ zone that prohibits impacts without mitigation. Vernal pools and isolated vegetated wetlands are now protected resource areas. And by adding climate change adaptation and mitigation as a resource area value, the Conservation Commission for the first time will have the explicit authority to incorporate climate considerations into its review. Furthermore, these drafts propose clear language regarding waiver criteria, enforcement, and appeals.


This will be a major leap forward in the protection of Salem’s natural environment, and the work continues beyond the adoption of the new ordinance and regulations. Additional work includes revisions to the City’s subdivision regulations, stormwater ordinance, and green building policies—as well as other initiatives that will come out of the Salem-Beverly Resilient Together Climate Action and Resilience Plan. This wetlands policy initiative has also highlighted the need to review the City’s Flood Hazard Overly District Special Permit zoning ordinance. Furthermore, MassDEP will be promulgating Wetlands Protection Act regulations for coastal flood zones.


The City and its environmental consultant will present a summary of the draft ordinance and regulations at its November 23 virtual Public Forum where all are welcome to attend and provide comments.


For questions, please contact Tom Devine at or 978-619-5685.

Public Forum #1

July 13, 2021 - Watch Recording Here!

Public Forum #2

August 19, 2021 - Watch Recording Here!

Public Forum #3

September 7, 2021 - Watch recording here! 

Public Forum #4

November 23, 2021 - Watch recording here!



Provide Public Comment - Coming Soon!