Site Information 

In early 2024, King County Parks and the design team reviewed ten potential community center sites for availability, size, access to parks and transit, location in the community, and other site characteristics. From this review and previous survey results, the community and King County have selected Skyway Park as the most suitable site for the new center. The site is large, centrally located, and already owned by King County Parks.


Survey Questions

Question title

What is your relationship with the Skyway-West Hill neighborhood? Please select all that apply.

Live in Skyway-West Hill
Live in a nearby neighborhood
Visit Skyway-West Hill
Work in Skyway-West Hill
Other (please tell us more)
Closed to responses

Question title

How often do you currently use Skyway Park?

Multiple times a week
About once a week
About once a month
About once a year
Very rarely or never
Closed to responses

Skyway Community Center Design


Skyway Park is a large park with two large recreation areas and a long stream with wetland buffers and mature trees surrounding the park.

The northern part of Skyway Park has an existing baseball field, a recently added playground, and a fenced mini-soccer field. It is located under the power lines with access to the neighborhood to the west and Renton Ave South.

The southern part of Skyway Park has a court for basketball and hockey and a large grassy area. There is also an old restroom building which is typically closed. The south end of south Skyway Park also has a tennis court with basketball hoops. There is one parking area which ends in a small turnaround. Between these two areas is a picnic shelter and more parking.

We expect to develop the community center and other park improvements in the southern part of Skyway Park, near the existing sport court and large grassy area.

Skyway Park Community Center – building layout options

Each layout option is designed to enhance South Skyway Park with a new community center as its focal point. The community center will serve as a hub for gatherings, events, and recreational activities. Each option also includes:

  • An extension of the drive-through to South 125th Street
  • Additional parking for up to 80 vehicles
  • Different connections to key park features such as wetlands, walking trails, and other outdoor recreation amenities

Map showing the locations of amenities in option A

Option A

Main entry faces the park to the northwest
Community multipurpose room faces the park to the east
Gymnasium faces the park to the south
Large central lobby with smaller connecting interior spaces

Map showing the locations of amenities in option B

Option B

Main entry faces the park to the northeast
Community multipurpose room faces the park to the north
Gymnasium faces the park to the south and northeast
Large central hall connecting interior spaces

Question title

Which option would you prefer?

Option A
Option B
Closed to responses

Question title

Please state reason if desired:

Closed for Comments

Possible site features and layout

The County may consider building additional park improvements over time as funding becomes available. We would like the communities’ input to help prioritize which projects you would like to see first. These new features would be built in addition to the community center. 

Question title

Please rank the following new park features in order of priority, with 1 being your highest priority and 10 being your lowest priority.

Closed to responses


Question title

How often do you use the existing features at Skyway Park?

Loading question...

Question title

Do you have comments on the current facilities:

Closed for Comments

Question title

After Skyway Park has these features and community center built, how often do you think you or someone in your household would use the center? Provide your best guess.

Multiple times a week
About once a week
About once a month
About once a year
Very rarely or never
Closed to responses

Question title

How safe do you feel when visiting the park?

Very safe
Somewhat safe
Somewhat unsafe
Very unsafe
Closed to responses

Question title

What safety improvements would make you feel more comfortable using the park?

More lighting
Increased park patrols
Clearer signage
Better maintained paths
Accessible emergency call boxes
Fenced or gated areas
Closed to responses

About You

Please share some information about you to help determine if we’re reaching a diverse group of those who live, work, and play in King County.

Question title

Which language(s) do you speak at home? (select all that apply)

Language not on this list:
Closed to responses

Question title

My yearly household income is:

Less than $50,000
$150,000 and above
Do not know
Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

I have lived in King County for:

0-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
10-20 years
20-30 years
30 years or more
Do not live in King County
Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Although the categories listed below may not represent your full identity or use the language you prefer, for the purpose of this survey, please indicate which group best describes your racial/ethnic identification. (If you are of a multi-racial/multi-ethnic/multi-cultural identity, please select all that apply.)

Alaska Native
First Nation/American Indian/Indigenous
Asian, Asian American, or South Asian
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino/a or Chicano/a
Middle Eastern/ North African
Pacific Islander
White/ European American
Prefer not to answer
I identify as:
Closed to responses

Question title

My gender identity is:

Prefer not to answer
I identify as:
Closed to responses

Question title

My sexual identity is:

Prefer not to answer
I identify as:
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you have a diagnosis or disability that influences your learning, working, or living activities?

Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Select your preferred language:

Please visit the Skyway Community Center project page for information and more ways to get involved.

Please view the FAQ document for more information about the Skyway Community Center Project.