STARS Route 613 S Van Dorn Street Study
STARS Route 613 S Van Dorn Street Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study is to evaluate operational, safety conditions for vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and transit and to develop improvement alternatives that will address these issues and the regional transportation needs.
The study corridor is S Van Dorn Street (Route 613) in Fairfax County from Alexandria City line in the north to Telegraph Road (Route 611) in the south and is approximately 2.5 miles in length. The study also includes Franconia Road from S Van Dorn Street to Grovedale Drive approximately 0.75 miles in length. The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) in the vicinity of this section ranges from 14,000 to 37,000 vehicles per day (vpd). The study corridor is a 6 lane divided minor arterial between Oakwood Road to Franconia Road and is 4 lane divided minor arterial at the northern and southern ends.
The surroundings of the corridor are densely residential, open land use, and a few commercial properties. This corridor also includes Thomas Edison High School south of Franconia Drive.