Text Change Engagement Portal
Text Change Engagement Portal
Here you can provide your comments about text changes currently open for review. You can also leave your text change questions for Planning and Development staff. We're here to answer them!
Scroll down to review any open text changes. You can also view the questions and comments on closed text changes. Let's get started!
Other ways to engage:
- Send your questions or comments to staff: textchanges@raleighnc.gov
- Contact the Planning Commission: planning.commission@raleighnc.gov
- Visit the Planning Commission webpage and sign up to attend a public meeting.
To learn more about the text change process and view adopted cases, visit our text changes webpage.
Cottage Court Garages (TC-10-24)
Cottage Court Garages (TC-10-24): This text change amends the Unified Development Ordinance to amend the definition of “Gross Floor Area” by removing attached garages from the calculation....
This is hidden text that lets us know when google translate runs.