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Text Changes Closed for Public Comment

Omnibus List 2022 (TC-3-22)

Through the ongoing administration of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), staff routinely identifies issues in the code that warrant further review and correction. These issues arise due to a variety...

Roadway Construction, Nonconformities and Signage (TC-5-22)

Roadway Construction, Nonconformities and Signage (TC-5-22): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to mitigate impacts on private property from public street right-of-way...

Minor Administrative Permits (TC-21-20)

Minor Administrative Permits (TC-21-20): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to create a process for Minor Administrative Permits. Read the draft ordinance. Background...

Accessory Structures (TC-18-21)

Accessory Structures (TC-18-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to modify development standards for accessory structures, remove the prohibition on variances...

Cameron Park NCOD (TC-21-21)

Cameron Park NCOD (TC-21-21): This text change proposes amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that would modify the existing regulations to the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District...

Flood Hazard Areas Effective Date (TC-4-22)

Flood Hazard Areas Effective Date (TC-4-22): This text change proposes amending dates intended to be the effective date of TC-16-20 referenced within the body of Ordinance No. 2021 – 231 TC 447,...

Parking Structure Screening and Lighting (TC-2-21)

Parking Structure Screening and Lighting (TC-2-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to create and expand screening and lighting standards for parking structures....

Missing Middle 2.0 (TC-20-21)

Missing Middle 2.0 (TC-20-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that would streamline the UDO’s regulatory framework for missing middle housing and...

Transit Street Cross-Sections and Green Plus Frontage (TC-4-21)

Transit Street Cross-Sections and Green Plus Frontage (TC-4-21): This text change proposes adding three new street-type cross-sections for streets with median busways and revise the corresponding...

Accessory Commercial Units (TC-12-21)

Accessory Commercial Units (TC-12-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to allow commercial uses in residences in residential zoning districts. Read...

Play Structures (TC-17-21)

Play Structures (TC-17-21): This text change proposes to modify the existing regulations for accessory structures to exempt certain minor structures from setbacks and permitting requirements. Read...

Towing Yards (TC-15-21)

Towing Yards (TC-15-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to allow Towing Yards for Vehicles in the IX district with a Special Use Permit and to modify the...

Breweries, Wineries, Distilleries, Cideries in CX District (TC-14-21)

BREWERIES, WINERIES, DISTILLERIES, CIDERIES IN CX DISTRICT (TC-14-21): This text change proposes to modify the existing regulations for breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries and to permit...

Vehicle Fuel Sales Use Standards (TC-13-21)

Vehicle Fuel Sales Use Standards (TC-13-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to modify the use standards for Vehicle Fuel Sales in the NX-, CX-, DX- and...

Tiny Houses (TC-6-21)

Tiny Houses (TC-6-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to facilitate the construction of tiny houses or small residential structures used for single-unit...

Conflicts of Interest, 160D References, and Board/Commission Composition (TC-10-21)

This text change is a combination of four smaller text amendments that have been consolidated for efficiency purposes (see Proposed Text Change section below).​ Read the full draft ordinance.Background...

Development Agreements (TC-9-21)

This text change creates a new section in Art. 10.2. of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that incorporates the process for reviewing and approving development agreements as authorized in 160D Article...

Multiple Module Height Method (TC-22-20)

OverviewThis text change proposes amendments to allow for a new Multiple Module option as a method to measure height for commercial and mixed-use buildings on sloped sites. It also clarifies the standard...

Outdoor Bar Seating in NX (TC-13-20)

This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to modify the outdoor seating regulations for Bars, Nightclubs, Taverns or Lounges in the NX zoning district. Read the full ordinance...

City Tree Manual (TC-5-21)

This text change proposes updating the City Tree Manual to correct typos and provide clarification on existing regulations. Read the full ordinance (PDF). Background Information:The City Tree Manual...

Bicycle Street Cross Sections (TC-3-21)

This text change proposes to:Amend the layout for the "avenue" street types. This allows the City to move bicycle lanes out of the roadbed and behind the curb; and,Revise corresponding sections...

DX Digital Signs (TC-7-21)

This text change creates a new special sign type called “DX digital signs” in Sec. 7.3.13 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that employ technologies such as LCD, LED and projection...

Transit Overlay Districts (TC-17-20)

This text change proposes amending the existing Transit Overlay District (TOD) regulations and creating a new overlay called Transit Overlay District-Residential (TOD-R)....

Missing Middle (TC-5-20)

This text change proposes amendments that are intended to increase housing options throughout the City. It expands the range of housing types that are allowed in residential zoning districts, adjusts minimum...

Outdoor Amenity Areas (TC-1-21)

This text change proposes amending the existing Outdoor Amenity Area regulations in Section 1.5.3. of the UDO. Read the full draft ordinance. BackgroundOutdoor amenity areas are intended to provide...

Administrative Alternate Changes (TC-19-19)

This text change proposes converting the existing Administrative Alternate for Design (AAD) process to a new Design Alternate (DA) process with updated standards. In addition, the text change will institute...

Planned Development Districts, City Code Covenants, and Rezoning Process (TC-19-20)

This text change brings the rezoning process into compliance with recent changes in state law; removes the requirement for recording city code covenants; allows City Council to adopt on a first reading...

Floodplain Regulations (TC-16-20)

Floodplain Regulations (TC-16-20): This text change proposes updating what can be developed in the floodplain. Read the full TC-16-20 draft ordinance.Background information: This ordinance extends current...

Quasi-Judicial Hearings (TC-18-20)

This text change moves the review authority for certain projects from the City Council to the Board of Adjustment. Read the full TC-18-20 draft ordinance. Background Information:This ordinance amends...

Campus District (TC-15-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page. Read the TC-15-20 ordinance.Background Information...

Community Gardens with On-Site Sales (TC-14-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  This text change will allow community...

Text Change Process (TC-10-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  This text change creates a new process...

Infill Setback and Building Height (TC-4-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  This text changes will repeal and...

Neighborhood Transition Requirements and Senior Housing (TC-6-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  This text changes aims to modify the applicability...

Short Term Rentals (TC-8-20)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  This text change will repeal the...

Site Plan/Plot Plan and Revisions (TC-14-19)

This text change has been closed in the portal. For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.  Site Plan/Plot Plan and Revisions (TC-14-19): Amend...

Treatment Plants (TC-6-22)

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (TC-6-22): This text change amends the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to permit government-owned water and wastewater treatment plants as a Limited Use in...

Self-Service Storage in Office Park (OP-) Zoning District (TC-8-22)

This is an external text change request which proposes amending the city’s Unified Development Ordinance to add Self-Service Storage as a Limited Use in the Office Park (OP-) zoning district. A Limited...

Stormwater Management Regulations (TC-1-23)

TC-1-23 Stormwater Management Regulations: This text change proposes amending the City’s stormwater management regulations in compliance with the Neuse Nutrient Strategy Stormwater Rule and...

Mobile Retail (TC-1-22)

Mobile Retail (TC-1-22): This text change proposes amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that would rename the ‘Food Truck’ use as defined in 6.4.10.D to ‘Mobile...

Protective Yards (TC-19-21)

Protective Yards (TC-19-21): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to reorganize requirements for protective yards associated with limited uses such that they...

(-TOD) Revisions (TC-2-23)

TC-2-23 (-TOD) Revisions:  BIG PICTURE: This text change amends the Transit Overlay District (-TOD) to 1) remove the prohibition on single family homes and duplexes 2) limit how large commercial uses...

Clean Transportation Ordinance (TC-3-23)

Clean Transportation Ordinance (TC-3-23): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to encourage the use of electric vehicles, improve safety and comfort for people walking...

Omnibus List 2023 (TC-5-23)

Omnibus List 2023 (TC-5-23): Through the ongoing administration of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), staff routinely identifies issues in the code that warrant further review and correction....

Streetscape Plans and Custom Signage Plans (TC-6-23)

Streetscape Plans and Custom Signage Plans (TC-6-23): This text change amends the Unified Development Ordinance to revise the existing Streetscape Plan Process and create a new Custom Signage Plan...

Mordecai NCOD Amendments (TC-7-23)

Mordecai NCOD Amendments (TC-7-23): This text change proposes amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to modify the existing Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) for the Mordecai...

Appearance Commission Name Change (TC-8-23)

Appearance Commission Name Change (TC-8-23): This text change amends the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to change the name of the Appearance Commission to the Design Review Commission. Read the...

Village District Streetscape Plan Amendment (SSP-1-23)

Applicant: Jennifer Ashton,, 919-780-5433Case Planner: Dhanya Sandeep,, 919-996-2659This request would amend the adopted Cameron Village Streetscape...

Stormwater Design Manual Update (TC-1A-24) and Related Text Changes (TC-1B-24)

Stormwater Design Manual Update (TC-1A-24): This text change replaces the entirety of the Stormwater Management Design Manual dated 2002 and the Guidelines for Land Disturbing Activity dated 2013 with...

Temporary and Accessory Emergency Shelters (TC-4-24)

Temporary and Accessory Emergency Shelters (TC-4-24): This text change amends the Unified Development Ordinance to create allowances for emergency shelters that only operate during inclement weather...

Cameron Park NCOD Name Change (TC-5-24)

Cameron Park NCOD Name Change (TC-5-24): In 2022, the Cameron Park neighborhood voted to change its name to Forest Park. This is now reflected throughout most of the City’s published content...