
Question title

* 1. What is your age group? (Select one answer)

Select a response

Question title

* 2. What is your employment status? (Select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

* 3. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

* 4. What is your household's approximate income for the current year? (Select one)

Select a response

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5. Please enter ZIP code where you live.

Question title

* 6. Which of the following best describes your access to an automobile or vehicle? Do not include rental vehicles. (Select one)

Select a response

Question title

* 7. How often do you use JTA services? (Select one)

Select a response

Rider Survey

Questions 8-16 are to be completed by regular or occasional riders (as indicated by respondents who did not answer ‘Never’ in Question 7).

Question title

* 8. Which routes do you ride most often? (Select up to three)

Select a response

Question title

* 9. How would you describe the purpose of your most common transit trip? (Select one)

Select a response

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* 10. How often do you make this trip? (Select one)

Select a response

Question title

* 11. When do you most commonly take this trip? (Select one)

Select a response

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* 12. When do you typically come back from your most common transit trip? (Select one)

Select a response

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* 13. From start to finish, including any transfers, how long does this trip typically take on an average day? (Select one)

Select a response

Question title

14. Based on your experience using fixed-route transit service in Duval/Clay Counties, how satisfied have you been with JTA services? (Each of these will have a 7-point scale from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied)

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Question title

* 15. If a bus had not been available for your most recent transit trip, how would you have made the trip? (Select one)

Select a response

Question title

* 16. Which of the following describes the reasons that you use the bus? (Select up to 3 answers)

Select a response

Non-Rider Survey

Question 17 is to be completed by non-riders (as indicated by respondents who answered ‘Never’ in Question 7).

Question title

* 17. You answered that you do not currently ride transit. What is the primary reasons? (Select up to 3 answers)

Select a response

System Improvements

Questions 18-22 are to be completed by all respondents.

The design of transit service often requires trade-offs. For the following service design categories, indicate which you would prefer. If you currently use bus service, what would you like to see in your bus service? If you don't use bus service, what improvements would help you to consider riding?

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18. If you had to choose, would you prefer: (Select one)

Select a response

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19. If you had to choose, would you prefer: (Select one)

Select a response

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20. If you had to choose, would you prefer: (Select one)

Select a response

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21. If you had to choose, would you prefer: (Select one)

Select a response

Question title

23. Do you have any additional feedback you would like to provide?


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22. If you had to choose, would you prefer: (Select one)

Select a response

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our transportation services and better meet the needs of our community.

We have several other active transportation projects currently underway, and we would greatly appreciate your continued input. Your participation in these additional surveys will provide us with comprehensive insights to enhance our planning and development efforts.

Please click on the links below to participate in the other surveys:

Thank you once again for your valuable contributions. Together, we can create a more efficient, accessible, and sustainable transportation system for everyone.

Question title

If you would like to receive information on other JTA projects in the future, please share your contact information below. If you prefer to receive a text instead of email, please include your mobile phone number.