BR-0016 & HS-2009C: U.S. 29/70 and Old U.S. 29 -Thomasville
BR-0016 & HS-2009C: U.S. 29/70 and Old U.S. 29 -Thomasville
The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to make improvements in the area of U.S. 29/U.S. 70 and Old U.S. 29 in Thomasville.
Project Study Area
This map shows the area in which environmental and planning studies were performed for these projects.
Project Overview
Projects BR-0016 and HS-2009C involve the removal of a functionally obsolete bridge (No.150) on northbound U.S. 29/70 over Lexington Avenue/Old U.S. Highway 29 in Thomasville, and operational improvements needed to address safety concerns including fatalities.
Improvements proposed include:
- Northbound U.S. 29/70 will be realigned to parallel the existing southbound lanes
- Converting the part of U.S. 29/U.S. 70 in the project area to a Reduced Conflict Intersection (RCI)
- Constructing a Roundabout at the junction of Old U.S. Highway 29 with Kanoy Road
- Realignment of the Jimmy Drive intersection with Kanoy Road farther from U.S. 29/70
Interchange options were considered however due to the budget available for the project, the operational improvements were selected. These two projects are combined due to their interoperabiity and need to handle traffic effectively, efficiently and safely through this area.
Project Design Maps and Typical Sections
Clicking on maps or typical sections below will open them in a new window for viewing or downloading.
Removal of Functionally Obsolete Bridge
Functionally obsolete means the bridge does not have adequate lane width, shoulder width or vertical clearance to serve current traffic demand. |
With removal of the functionally obsolete bridge, northbound U.S. 29/70 can be realigned. Northbound U.S. 29/70 will be realigned parallel to the existing southbound lanes as shown below.
Typical Section
U.S. 29/70
U.S. 29/70 will consist of two 12-foot lanes in each direction separated by a 24-foot grass median. There will be a 6-foot inside shoulder in each direction, of which 2-feet will be paved, and an 8-foot outside shoulder, of which 4-feet will be paved.
U.S. 29/70 at Kanoy Road
Left turns off of U.S. 29/70 onto Kanoy Road will be made using the dedicated turn lanes.
Raised concrete curbing will prevent direct travel across U.S. 29/70 from Kanoy Road.
Reduced Conflict Intersections (RCI)
A reduced conflict intersection is a general term used to describe several types of designs that can be used to improve safety and traffic flow on a highway. There are variations to the designs, but they all function the same by reducing by almost half the number of potential locations, or conflict points, where drivers can collide. Raised medians direct traffic from the side road into turning right. When there is a safe opening in traffic, drivers enter the flow of traffic on the main route. To go the other direction, or cross the highway, they pull into a dedicated lane – typically less than 1,000 feet away – and make a U-turn.
Traffic wishing to cross U.S. 29/U.S.70 from Kanoy Road.will turn right and then make a "u-turn" at the designated location a short distance away.
This movement is shown in purple below.
U-turn bulbs will be installed att locations shown below.
Left turns will be prohibited onto U.S. 29/70 from existing connections from Old U.S. 29, Litwin Drive, Jimmy Drive and Kanoy Road. The direct connection to U.S. 29/70 from Litwin Drive at Clinard Drive and from Jimmy Drive just south of S. Urban Street will be removed.
The intersection of Jimmy Drive and Kanoy road will be relocated farther from U.S. 29/70.
A roundabout will be constructed connecting Old U.S. 29, Old U.S. 29/Lexington Avenue and Kanoy Road. The roundabout will have an outside diameter of 68 feet and will include a 16-foot travel lane and a truck apron to allow turning of large vehicles.
The N.C. Department of Transportation builds roundabouts to improve safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. They also help reduce the congestion and backups more typical of traditional intersections with stop signs and traffic signals. A driver generally enters the roundabout more quickly than if waiting at a traffic signal. In addition, the modern roundabout is much smaller than older traffic circles and requires vehicles to travel at lower speeds (15-20 mph), making them safer than traffic circles. Additionally, the slower speeds make it easier for a driver to find a gap in traffic inside the roundabout before safely entering it.
Project Funding
| Estimated Amount* |
Right-of-Way Acquisition | $ 525,000 |
Construction | $ 5.7 Million |
Total Cost | $ 6.2 Million |
*Estimated costs shown are what is funded in the State Transportation Improvement Program. As noted above, the project scope has been right-sized and the final cost of the project will be reduced.
Project Timeline
Milestone | Date* |
Public Meeting | November 2023 |
Completed Environmental Documentation | September 2024 |
Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition | January 2025 |
Begin Construction | January 2028 |
* Schedule is preliminary and subject to change
Project Comments
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.
All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.
To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,
please submit before November 23, 2023.
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:
Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 4276 to leave a message
Project Contact
Ryan Newcomb
NCDOT Highway Division 9 Project ENgineer
375 Silas Creek Parkway
Winston Salem, NC 27127
Project Contact
Sam Cullum, PE
KCA Engineers
301 Fayetteville Street - Ste 1500
Raleigh, NC 27601
Title VI Feedback
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Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos