Route 371 Complete Streets - Riverside County
Route 371 Complete Streets - Riverside County
State Route 371 (Cahuilla Road) Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements Project from Lakeshore Blvd/Bradford Road to Hill Street (postmile 62.68 to postmile 71.81).
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Project Description
This project proposes to study multimodal transportation improvements, including but not limited to; a Class I two-way shared use path exclusively for bicyclists and pedestrians adjacent to SR-371 but separated from the roadway (including culvert repairs / extensions as needed); Class II bike lanes with painted buffer; sidewalks through the town of Anza; high visibility crosswalks where appropriate; and shoulder widening where needed to accommodate bike lanes. An existing marked crosswalk at Contreras Road will be upgraded for higher visibility, along with upgrading existing curb ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Additional improvements are proposed at existing bus stop locations as Caltrans intends to engage with partners to evaluate the viability of transit services to destinations along the route.
In 2023, the Cahuilla Band of Indians (Tribe) completed a Caltrans-funded long-range transportation plan (LRTP) via a Sustainable Communities Grant for Fiscal Year 20/21. The LRTP captures the community’s collective vision and goals for the transportation system and guides project prioritization and expenditure of federal transportation funding. The plan identified key transportation infrastructure needs within the Reservation and on State Route 371 (SR-371).
One objective of the LRTP is to identify sustainable transportation solutions that could lessen environmental impacts by reducing the reliance on automobile trips. Opportunities include integration of new pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the Reservation, as well as incorporating transit services that connect the Reservation to goods and services within the region.
During the development of the LRTP community members expressed a need for infrastructure that would support walking and biking. There are spaces for trails and multi-use pathways within the Reservation, and opportunities to provide bike and pedestrian facilities along SR-371. This would allow for more direct access to destinations along the route and possibly create connections to transit services for those traveling outside the Reservation.
At this time, the Project Initiation phase of the project is the only phase that is funded. Funding has not been identified for future phases (Project Approval and Environmental Document, Final Project Design, and Construction). Caltrans will be seeking funding opportunities for the remaining phases of the project.