Question title

How do you interact with the project area? Please select all that apply.

Select a response

Question title

If you are familiar with this project, how have you previously heard or seen information? Please select all that apply.

Select a response

Question title

How would you like to receive information about efforts like this one in the future? Please select all that apply.

Select a response

Please rate your agreement with each of the following statements about community engagement and information sharing during the project design phase on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = Strongly disagree and 5 = Strongly agree.

Question title

I felt informed at each stage of this project.

Select a response

Question title

I had opportunities to provide feedback.

Select a response

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I was satisfied with the frequency of the project updates.

Select a response

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Information about the project was clear and easy to understand.

Select a response

Question title

Please tell us more about your experiences receiving information and engaging with the King County team during the design phase.

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If you provided input at any stage of the project (e.g. completing a survey or sharing input at an event with the King County team), do you feel your input was taken into consideration by the King County team?

Select a response

Question title

Did any of the following affect your ability to share input during project design? Please select all that apply.

Select a response

Question title

Is there anything else you would like us to share about the project design, purpose, or our community engagement as we head into construction?