Project History

The idea for the Wilma Dykeman Greenway originated from a larger, decade-long community effort to renovate the River Arts District.  The goal of this renovation was to support businesses, residents, artists, and the broader Asheville community as envisioned in the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay Master Plan.

Named after Wilma Dykeman, an American writer who advocated for linking economic development with environmental protection along the French Broad River, the Master Plan laid the groundwork for the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP). RADTIP was a significant design and construction initiative to rebuild the transportation network along the east side of the French Broad River in the River Arts District. The first major segment of RADTIP was completed in April 2021, with the official opening of the 2-mile paved Wilma Dykeman Greenway corridor. 

Project Highlights                                                                                              

A design alternative that is planned to be located between the French Broad River and Riverside Drive (N.C. 251). Preliminary environmental and engineering studies will determine constraints and the eventual alignment of the greenway. The project is currently funded in the 2024-2033 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and is scheduled for right-of-way acqusition beginning in 2025 and construction in 2026. The project will be funded with a combination of Transportation Alternatives Program – Any Area (TAANY) funds, and local funds.


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How supportive are you of this trail recommendation?

Closed to responses

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Please provide any reasoning behind your level of support.

Your privately-submitted comments:
Closed for Comments

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If you have any comments about the trail alignment, please leave a comment on the map. To leave a comment, drag an icon from the top of the map onto the location. You may also draw lines.

Loading Map

Question title

How often do you use greenways, trails, or multimodal infrastructure (bike lanes, sidewalks, etc.)?

A few times a month
A few times a month
Closed to responses

Vicinity Map

To review a higher resolution map and project information sheet, please click on the map below, or click here.

Project Funding:




Project Development & Design

$    600,000

Right Of Way Acquisition

$    129,000


  $  4,000,000

Total Cost

  $  4,729,000

        *costs are subject to change. 

Project Timeline:




Right-of-Way Acquisition Begins

September 2025

Construction Begins

 September 2026

Future dates subject to change. 


Gabriel Johnson, PE

 Division 13 Project Manager 

NCDOT Highway Division 13

55 Orange Street

Asheville, NC 28801



Lucy Crown, AICP

Transportation Planning Manager

City of Asheville

70 Court Plaza 

Asheville, NC 28802



NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.  

All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.

To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,

please submit by August 21, 2024.

The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:


Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 10354 to leave a message.



Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish














Title VI Feedback

To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?

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