Martin Luther King Jr. Park
Martin Luther King Jr. Park
Martin Luther King Jr. Park is an existing ~27-acre Mecklenburg County Park located at 2600 Ravencroft Dr., Charlotte, NC 28208.
This Improvement project, to be determined through community engagement, will improve and expand recreation amenities within the Park. This could include improving/adding park amenities such as shelters, restrooms, basketball court, playground, fitness equipment, trails, etc.
Adjacent Projects/Helpful Links
- Stewart Creek Greenway - PublicInput (Stewart Creek Greenway through Martin Luther King, Jr. Park is still under construction)
- Stewart Creek Tributary #2 Stream Enhancement:
- Lakewood Water Quality Enhancement Project:
- Learn more about existing Park and Recreation locations and amenities:
Additional questions? Contact:
Darneka Waters, Planner or 980-314-1061
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