Question title

Do you have comments, concerns or feedback to share on the Dix Edge Environmental conditions report?

The report is located here:

Closed for Comments

Question title

Do you have comments or feedback to share on the Dix Edge Connectivity document?

The full document is located here:

Closed for Comments

Question title

Do you have comments, feedback or questions on the Dix Edge Affordable Housing White Paper?

The full paper is located here:

Closed for Comments

Dix Edge Area Study Phase Later Survey

The Dix Edge Area Study is a planning study focused on the communities south and east of Dix Park. The study looks at transportation, affordable housing, land use, and urban design. This round of engagement...

Dix Edge Meeting and Communication Preference Survey

We believe that a successful plan cannot happen without the full participation of the community it is planning for. This short survey is to help us understand the best ways and times for you to participate. 

Encuesta sobre Preferencias de Comunicación y Reuniones

 Creemos que un plan exitoso no puede suceder sin la plena participación de la comunidad que está planeando. Esta breve encuesta es para ayudarnos a comprender las mejores formas y horarios...

Dix Edge Area Study Phase Now Survey

No description yet. Click "Participate" to learn more.

Dix Edge Area Study Phase Soon Survey

No description yet. Click "Participate" to learn more.

Dix Edge Area Study Visioning Session Survey

Haga clic aquí para realizar la encuesta en español.Project OverviewThe Dix Edge Area Study will focus on housing, land use and development, and transportation in the communities surrounding...

Dix Edge Community Leader Group Application

The Community Leader Group will include long-time residents, newcomers, large landholders, owners and renters alike, comprised of a diverse representation of age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, familial...

Dix Edge Neighborhood Ambassador Application

The Raleigh Department of Planning and Development is recruiting a fluent Spanish speaker to assist in outreach, education, and engagement for the Dix Edge Area Study. The goal of the study is to...