Draft Crozet Master Plan


There are two options for reviewing and providing comments on the draft Crozet Master Plan: 

Provide overall feedback
View the draft in the PDF viewer below and respond to the questions (below) to provide overall feedback to County staff.

Share specific ("line-by-line") comments and questions
Access the draft, then follow these instructions:

  • Type in your first and last name as a "guest" when leaving comments. 
  • To leave a comment, use the "Add a sticky note" or "Highlight" tools on the toolbar at the top of the website.
    • Add a sticky note: After clicking this button, place the sticky note on the page in the location that you would like it to be associated with. Type your comment and click "Post" to submit. 
    • Highlight: Highlight the portion of text on which you would like to comment. A comment box will pop up on the panel on the right side of your screen. Click "Post" to submit. 
  • Do not use the Strikethrough or Scribble tool so that others are able to read and comment on the text. 
  • We encourage you to reply to existing comments if you have a similar comment or would like to add to it. 

Question title

How well does the Crozet Master Plan work to "create a multimodal transportation network that is safe and accessible for all community members, regardless of age, race, income, and ability"?

Please rate the draft Plan's alignment with the Transportation Guiding Principle.

1 = Not well aligned

3 = Moderately well aligned

5 = Very well aligned

22 responses

Question title

How well does the Crozet Master Plan work to "support and strengthen Crozet's history as a vibrant community, while ensuring that new and infill development is compatible in scale and design, and provides housing choice for all community members" and "allow and encourage a variety of employment options, services, commercial and retail areas, and housing types"?

Please rate the draft Plan's alignment with the Land Use Guiding Principle.

1 = Not well aligned

3 = Moderately well aligned

5 = Very well aligned

22 responses

Question title

How well does the Crozet Master Plan work to "enhance Crozet's natural beauty, existing environmental resources, and the surrounding rural areas with an integrated network of parks and gathering spaces, trails, and natural areas that offer increased opportunities for outdoor recreation and protect natural resources"?

Please rate the draft Plan's alignment with the Conservation Guiding Principle.

1 = Not well aligned

3 = Moderately well aligned

5 = Very well aligned

21 responses

Question title

Do you have any additional comments or questions that you'd like to share?

Please type your question(s) or comment(s) in the box below.

Closed for Comments
There is a cart and horse problem between the data in this plan that shows a paltry 5.8% of residents who both live and work in Crozet because jobs don't exist here, and this plan's adoption of "middle density" (aka "naturally affordable") housing and other higher-density housing...See More
Reply3 Agree3 years ago
S. RogersWe really need to consider making Crozet more accessible for walkers and bike riders. Sidewalks are desperately needed on 250 so children can walk to school, alleviating some traffic issues in the process.
Reply3 Agree3 years ago
This is an example of a failed process. The County failed to listen to the Crozet community feedback and failed to listen to the CCAC feedback. The County pushed its own agenda and dismissed what the residents wanted. This is why citizens do not trust the government.
Reply3 Agree3 years ago
Lee LeonardOnce again, we see the County not listen and rush headlong into their vision of making Crozet just like Reston Virginia. And for those of you who have visited NOVA recently you see how well that turned out. I had to laugh out loud at the audacity to ask how well the plan enhanced...See More
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
Reston is a masterpiece of suburban planning compared to what this document portends.
1 Agree3 years ago
It's going to be hard to please everyone, but if careful traffic planning is combined with a desire to preserve the small town charm of Crozet thru managed growth, the inevitable development/growth that must/will occur should find its place within this special community.
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
What careful traffic planning is shown in the master plan? It's more like a series of bandaids being applied to a massive wound. Any traffic-related improvements are contingent upon VDOT funding and priorities. While the county provides input to VDOT, it doesn't make the final de...See More
Agree3 years ago

About Master Planning

A Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes a community’s vision for future development, using text, maps and diagrams. In Albemarle County, Master Plans are used to guide future public and private development and to coordinate and prepare more detailed plans. This is a draft of the third update to the Crozet Master Plan. 

How to Participate

In addition to this online questionnaire, we invite you to participate in the Crozet Master Plan update by attending the upcoming public hearings: 

  • Planning Commission Public Hearing held virtually via Zoom on September 14, 2021 at 6pm
  • Board of Supervisors Public Hearing held virtually via Zoom on October 20, 2021 at 6pm