

Using the following questions and concepts, we explore the foundations of understanding for the corridor: Who will be affected by the study? What is the intention of the study? Where are the limits of the study? When will you notice changes along Rio Road? Why this study is important. How can you stay informed? Charting the area’s Growth. Review of Historic Design Guidance. What are Frontage Conditions? Understanding Access Management Criteria. Review of Safety concerns. Noteworthy deficiencies. What is a building engagement Zone? Introduction to Level of Service. What is are the Qualitative Experiences?

Standing on the foundations of understanding we have gained in the introduction video, we will explore design concepts for various areas along the corridor. The design concepts video will address Delineation of Project Phases, Intersection Improvements Concepts, Goals for Intersection Improvements, Corridor Improvement Concepts, Goals for Corridor improvements, and How each improvement area responds to the Conditions presented in the introduction video.

Question title

Does the content presented in the introduction video reflect your experience of the corridor?

Closed to responses | 76 Responses
Laura Mulligan ThomasI just saw the proposed roundabout design to replace the intersection of the JWParkway and Rio Road, and am sick to my stomach. Why move this major intersection and its accompanying noise CLOSER to established homes, rather than at the intersection it is supposed to fix? Accordin...See More
ReplyFlag23 Agree3 years ago
HeatherI completely agree. The proposed plan places the roundabout far too close to residential property with the proposed benefit of a few acres of additional public land. That would likely just be later developed. I don’t the stated reasoning. Having a traffic circle that close to hom...See More
Flag15 Agree3 years ago
Julie HughensCompletely agree with Laura Thomas above. It makes no sense to move the intersection/roundabout closer to houses when there is plenty of space at the current intersection. I am also very concerned about how walkers will access the JW Parkway walking path from Dunlora. Dozens o...See More
Flag3 Agree3 years ago
Mike McPhersonAs usual, lots of talk about making things better for the people who own residential property and live along the corridor. My experience of living in Dunlora for 16 years, though, is that every change that has been made has been for the benefit of cars. Traffic has steadily inc...See More
ReplyFlag17 Agree3 years ago
Completely agree. Access to/from Dunlora has gotten worse and more dangerous. Over the past 16 years, changes have been made to benefit cars and developers... NOT pedestrians or residents. This proposal is no different. It's designed to benefit the future use of the property ...See More
Flag2 Agree3 years ago
Tom PaolettiThe corridor appears to serve a growing number of commuters traveling from points north of Rio/29 to Charlottecville and places east. This increased traffic is a real detriment to residents along the corridor. I hope that planners recognize there is a maximum capacity limit and p...See More
ReplyFlag16 Agree3 years ago
Jim HeetderksThere was talk a while back about an Eastern Connector but I think that idea is dead.
FlagAgree3 years ago
Lloyd R HarriottIs a traffic circle the best solution to the traffic issues at the JW parkway-Rio Rd intersection? Availability of VDOT funds does not make the circle the best or only solution. Traffic simulations based on data can determine the best solution to the problems. It is poor engineer...See More
ReplyFlag12 Agree3 years ago
Patrick Fowler and Sandi CohenThe consultant firm’s proposal to move the roundabout north at Rio and JWW pkway leaves the Dunlora Park neighborhood opening right onto Rio Rd. This neighborhood was built and designed with a buffer between the homes and Rio. The proposal now brings the noise and a dangerous num...See More
ReplyFlag11 Agree3 years ago

Question title

What information from the video was new or surprising to you?

Closed for Comments
Frank EhlersI’m shocked that you’re moving the roundabout from the current intersection to the entrance of Dunlora. There is no redundancy here. The current set up was specifically put in place to offer a buffer zone for Dunlora from the main road. Also construction costs will be much more e...See More
ReplyFlag16 Agree3 years ago
Chip G.The relocation of the JW Parkway/Rio traffic circle is WAY too close the those homes!
ReplyFlag15 Agree3 years ago
Susan PayneTo move the round-about closer to residential properties makes no sense. The current intersection near Catec seems more compatible with large volumes of traffic
ReplyFlag11 Agree3 years ago
GeorgeThe roundabout at Dunlora seems problematic. The light there helps create gaps in the traffic for people turning in and out of Dunlora and Belvedere. Moving it it puts it too close to a residental community besides severing Dunlora Forest. If a roundabout is done I actually mu...See More
ReplyFlag9 Agree3 years ago
Susan Jacobsonwhy did the county approve all the development along Rio Road/Parkway without a plan for the corridor. Isn't this backwards?
ReplyFlag8 Agree3 years ago

Question title

After watching the video, what topics would you like to learn more about?

Closed for Comments
Judy SWhy wasn't the public given the opportunity to have any input. Do any of the employees of Line+ Grade live, work, drive the Rio Corridor. If they do then they would most definitely have a different perspective
ReplyFlag11 Agree3 years ago
Why are traffic lights not included in this study at Belvedere Blvd and Rio. With the pandemic things were slow, but now that the businesses are opening up and with increased traffic from SOCA and the Senior center, the number of crashes has increased. No mention is made as to...See More
ReplyFlag6 Agree3 years ago
Kent S.Why was the plan to have citizens involved in committees not done? Extremely poor communications in the process.
ReplyFlag4 Agree3 years ago
Ruth BuchwalterHow much additional neighborhood traffic was considered? How was the Dunlora Farm subdivision included? How will land be acquired for sidewalks and safer bike lanes?
ReplyFlag4 Agree3 years ago
Mike & Nancy BrinkacThank you so much for this visualization - it was so helpful!
Flag1 Agree3 years ago
There are opportunities to improve traffic flow and pedestrian access and safety. I feel pretty strongly that the roundabout at JWW will do neither.

Are there plans to add more high density housing to this corridor. If so, perhaps that should be re-evaluated. There ar...See More
ReplyFlag2 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Does the proposed intersection concept at Hillsdale appear to alleviate the traffic and safety concerns you experience at that intersection?

Closed to responses | 33 Responses
While a separated mixed use path seems nice, the lack of signaled pauses in traffic makes crossing on a bicycle to use the bike lanes on Hillsdale Drive more dangerous. Roundabouts may increase the speed of traffic while reducing the opportunity to cross especially during periods...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
I believe it will be very difficult to travel from north on Old Brock to south on Hillsdale or in reverse direction given the amount of commuter traffic. This is the majority of travel for me through these two lights. I believe the peanut design roundabout favors commuters at th...See More
Reply7 Agree3 years ago
The peanut design looks like it will only encourage drivers, especially through drivers/commuters departing (or approaching) the 29N speedway to keep up their speed rather than slow into the Rio mixed use corridor. Accessing Rio from any of the side streets looks like it would be...See More
Reply5 Agree3 years ago
I was also wondering if this proposal has been compared to the issues involved with realigning the streets to create a single intersection.
Agree3 years ago
The proposed “peanut” roundabout is way too complicated and will only serve to slow down and back-up traffic on Rio.
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
The problem with the proposed roundabout is that it is multi-lane and would have to be to accommodate 30,000 vehicles per day. Single-lane roundabouts are fairly easy for drivers to understand, but a multi-lane roundabout with 6 entry points is not. Some drivers will stop unnec...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Does the proposed intersection concept at Belvedere appear to alleviate the traffic and safety concerns you experience at that intersection?

Closed to responses | 41 Responses
The crosswalk across Rio at this design looks potentially dangerous. Cars turning Left out of Belvedere would be focused on passing 2 lanes of westbound Rio traffic, then immediately would be on top of a crosswalk just as they have accelerated across Rio. There appears to be too...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
If the circle at JWP and Rio Rd provides for the constant flow of traffic, it seems that trying to make a left turn out of Belvedere will be even more difficult, given there will be no traffic light to provide a break in traffic, especially at busy times of the day.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
While the safety lane for vehicles turning left from Belvedere is an improvement, vehicles still have to cross two lanes of westbound Rio Road traffic to get to the safety lane. While I avoid the Belvedere/Rio intersection when heading to the parkway (I drive through Dunlora to ...See More
Reply6 Agree3 years ago
I'm most concerned about pedestrians. As cars turning left out of Belvedere focus on passing 2 lanes of traffic, will they remember to look to the right for pedestrians crossing in front of them? What about the crosswalk across Rio? Will cars in the slip lane see someone in that ...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
How was peak load issues entering and exiting Belvedere Blvd for bigger events at SOCA, FairView, and The Center taken into account? In meetings a few years ago when representatives of all these organizations plus other area stakeholders was held with VDOT and Albemarle county s...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Does the proposed intersection concept at John Warner Parkway appear to alleviate the traffic and safety concerns you experience at that intersection?

Closed to responses | 49 Responses
“Redundant” Dunlora drive provides an important buffer between homeowners in Dunlora and Dunlora Park and the tremendous daily traffic volume on Rio Road and the John Warner Parkway. Moving the traffic circle as proposed in this video and eliminating that stretch of Dunlora drive...See More
Reply24 Agree3 years ago
Please develop one or more graphics depicting how nice the area could look with the traffic circle in its original location. (Perhaps even utilizing the Whetsel proffered land for the traffic circle -- moving it further from current residential areas.)
15 Agree3 years ago
Well said!
3 Agree3 years ago
1 Agree3 years ago
This proposal would move Varick St. (Dunlora Park residents) from Dunlora Dr. right onto Rio Rd. For Dunlora Park residents this translates to way more traffic, traffic noise, pedestrian and bicycle traffic safety concerns for those residents. It is unfortunate that the plan do...See More
Reply17 Agree3 years ago
And, there may be more green space, but is it not as accessible / usable when it is trapped between Rio & JWP.
6 Agree3 years ago
Who is going to use park space next to a busy road with 30,000+ cars passing each day.
5 Agree3 years ago
Presently, I do not experience any traffic or safety concerns at this intersection and I drive it daily from my home in Dunlora Park. It's fairly easy to get to the JWP or turn right or left onto Rio Rd from Dunlora Drive. Removing the buffer of Dunlora Drive and realigning Rio R...See More
Reply11 Agree3 years ago
I am horrified by the proposal to move this intersection to the entrance to Dunlora. That is far too close to residential properties. It’s current location is not the issue, the intersection design is.
Reply10 Agree3 years ago
Over 30000 cars through this intersection per day. How much did the developers of the Wetzel property influence this poor decision to move the traffic circle. The size of the traffic circle is too small for the traffic that will try to get into the circle. What about school bu...See More
Reply10 Agree3 years ago

Question title

Do the proposed corridor concepts appear to integrate the needed improvements you think should be included?

Closed to responses | 36 Responses
Tom PaolettiIt favors commuter traffic over local residents living along Rio Rd. The country needs to work on alternate routes to east without using Rio Rd.
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Judy SThe proposed round about at JWP/Rio/CATEC seems to be based upon NOT LOOSING the SmartScale money that has been allocated. CATEC is a valuable educational resource for our community yet the design team feels changing their entrance is the way to be beneficial to meet the design ...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
Josh KrahnI live in the City, but commute to work along the Rio corridor, and I commute on my bicycle as often as I can. The unprotected bike lane on Rio is by far the most dangerous part of my commute (from North Ave to Crutchfield by the airport), so I'm glad to see buffered paths in the...See More
Reply9 Agree3 years ago
Serena GruiaGreat insight Josh - thank you for sharing!
1 Agree3 years ago
I travel the JWP daily on an e-bike. I use the bike lanes along the parkway instead of the mixed use path because of pedestrians. E-bikes have assistance to 20mph or 28mph depending on the type. This seems much too fast for a mixed use path. Given the distance this corridor cover...See More
Agree3 years ago
Agree. I also live in the city but have to travel this corridor weekly. Although it is within easy biking distance (especially with an e-bike), I drive for this trip right now because of how scary the unprotected bike lane is. The details matter: path width, crossings, and how us...See More
Agree3 years ago
Kent S.The designs are for commuters and not for people who live off of Rio Road. Poor designs without taking into account local residents along Rio Road.
Reply5 Agree3 years ago
Judy KittelI appreciate the work that has been done and that you are now asking for input. The maps and renderings presented do not appear to show how cyclists and pedestrians can move through the Rio corridor from Belvedere to Penn Park Road. It also does not appear to show how to get from...See More
Reply4 Agree3 years ago

Question title

What additional feedback or questions do you have for our project team?

Closed for Comments
Katherine JenkinsThis project seems to prioritize the people commuting through the corridor by car. The people who actually live along the corridor are merely an afterthought. The roundabout design at the JWW intersection does nothing to improve the lives of those who live in the immediate vicini...See More
Reply18 Agree3 years ago
Lloyd R HarriottVDOT funding availability for a traffic circle is not a good reason to build one at the JW parkway intersection. This is an example of a solution looking for a problem. It just doesn’t make any sense. Basic engineering is to propose solutions based on a well defined problem and...See More
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Carolyn McPherson on Charter Oaks DriveVery well said. "A solution looking for a problem." I'm going to remember your phrase and--if you permit--use it on important occasions.
3 Agree3 years ago
Kath WelchMy question is how the shared use paths, sidewalks, and crosswalks will work with the roundabouts. While I see that the crosswalks are clearly marked on both the SUPs and the sidewalks, I don't see how as a practical matter they are supposed to be used. The apparent beauty of rou...See More
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
Peter ThompsonHow is gasoline alley being addressed? Those wide open access points are dangerous for walkers/runners, bicyclists.
Reply8 Agree3 years ago
Margie SwansonYes, change is inevitable however, this current proposed roundabout could be a nightmare for the residents of Dunlora and Dunlora Park. When Varick Street that is no longer able to access Dunlora Drive, particularly with no noise abatement the solution is unacceptable. Please u...See More
Reply5 Agree3 years ago


Community Pop-Ups

Our project team will be available to review the work to date, answer questions, and share information about how to participate. Look for the Let's Talk Albemarle van. The times listed are when we’ll be there. Pop by at any point!

Community Learning Series & Online Questionnaire

Our project team developed this series that includes a podcast, videos, and slide decks to build community knowledge and equip everyone to contribute to the conversation. We invite you to review the materials and respond to the questions. We will use your questions and feedback to inform our virtual meeting on the 23rd. Visit the Community Learning Series webpage

Virtual Meeting

View the recording of the meeting

We will review the design concepts, respond to questions and feedback we've received to date, and provide time for you to ask questions. 

Thursday, September 23rd at 6 pm