Oxford Road Sidewalk Project

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Project Engagement
Views 150
Participants 49
Responses 208
Comments 41
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How often do you walk along Oxford Road?
1-4 times per week
Over 10 times per week
5-10 times per week
49 respondents
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How do you use Oxford Road? (Check all that apply)
  • 3795%Walk
  • 3077%Vehicular
  • 2359%Ride my bike
39 Respondents
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Do you think the proposed sidewalk will meet the needs of pedestrians along Oxford Road?
80% Yes
20% No
46 respondents
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Do you have any comments about the proposed design?
Despite comments on flood control, the design is still increasing the impermeable surface which would increase flooding.

Safer for bikers - not when they’re decreasing the width of the road by 5 ft with cars parked along the side there.  Why don't you start with the least invasive design and stripe a bike lane and see if that works, before devoting $500,000 (probably more since that budget is now several years old) and likely closing Oxford for the better part of a year? We all know that Oxford near Anderson has been closed for the better part of five years due to greenway construction. A sidewalk construction project is likely to be every bit as invasive and inconvenient.

Extension of the greenway - to where? Hazelwood, the busiest cut through from Anderson to Whitaker Mill. 

OLL Carpool after many years of disruption to the neighborhood is now well designed with the reinstallation of the driveway from Oxford up to the school. I have been working at home for the past year, and there is now no noise from mega-intercom nor is there significant disruption when car pool is here. It is very orderly. Your sidewalk project is likely to roll back the clock on that. I see another comment that says the car pool is two hours in the afternoon - that was true at one time but has not been reduced to a more reasonable amount of time. I agree with that person, however, when they write "Leave the sidewalk out and paint some lines - it will address all the issues at hand with a much smaller price tag."

Could you please take a look at the speed bumps in Cameron Village neighborhood - they are the best designed one I have seen anywhere. why not start with striping bike lanes and adding a few small, quiet, strategically placed speed bumps modeled on Cameron Village?

Post pandemic, are we thinking about the fact that people on sidewalks avoid one another now? Whenever I walk on a sidewalk and someone I don't know approaches, inevitably either I or that person steps off the sidewalk to avoid face to face contact.
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
I was in favor of the design the last time it was proposed. Three years later I think it still is the best alternative because of its low impact on Fallon Park. It also makes sense to join with the existing sidewalk on the same side of the road at the North end of the park. Oxford is by far the widest street in the area; in my opinion narrowing it would neither impede traffic flow nor increase probability of car accidents. What it would do is make that section much safer for pedestrians. I believe it would actually reduce pedestrian use of the other side of the road; currently there is no incentive to use only the park side. There definitely needs to be a curb between roadway and sidewalk, as planned. I especially like the added plan to round the corner and extend sidewalk to the park entrance and the care taken to preserve the large poplar tree.
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
This sidewalk would be wonderful for walkers, dogs, kids, etc.. We have needed it for a long time. Will there be any sort of railing adjacent to the park? When walking along the current worn path - it often feels like you are going to 'fall into' the park - the bank is steep and overgrown. It seems like a barrier would be helpful especially for children and pets. I'm sure pedestrians will continue to use the other side of Oxford Road as well - which is still dangerous with drivers that speed down the road. The OLL carpool line is a pain and will encroach on the street - but perhaps it will slow down drivers on Oxford.
Reply1 Agree3 years ago
I have lived on Oxford Rd for over 30 years and raised two children here. I have used Oxford Road with baby joggers, on runs around the park with my children (still today), on daily walks and on bike rides - all with no safety issues. I love the wide road as do those who come to Oxford Road to walk and ride their bikes. Adding a sidewalk which narrows this road will make it dangerous for residents, runners/walkers and bicyclists.
We have a school carpool that lines Oxford Road in the morning and afternoon that already narrows the road. We have cars parking on Park side to enjoy park and parking on house side by residents and their visitors that also narrows road. Oxford Road is a not a flat straight road. This sidewalk project will make Oxford Road a hazardous road.

ReplyAgree3 years ago
I would like to see the sidewalk widened from 5 ft to at least 6 ft to match with the current city design standards. The road will still be very wide, so it should not be a large issue to narrow it another foot. There are a lot of people walking in this area, so there should be space to pass, without moving into the street.
ReplyAgree3 years ago
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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest please rate how informative you found the online touchpoint.
Average 67 / 100
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Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve communications of project details in a virtual format?
Where is the survey conducted several years ago where the votes against installing a sidewalk far exceeded the votes in favor?
Reply1 Agree3 years ago
More traffic calming measures may be needed as there will continue to be many bike riders heading to and from the greenway on this corridor. His is a long overdue project and I’m happy to see it is underway.
Reply1 Agree3 years ago
Since I don’t know what a touchpoint is, I cannot answer.
ReplyAgree3 years ago
The person who shared this with me wrote "I was just looking at the site for road and sidewalk improvements and ran across the notice" so it appears no attempt was made by the city to share with residents.
ReplyAgree3 years ago
First of all, you need to notify people this is happening. I only happened to get a notice via Facebook from a friend in another part of Five Points area. I attended meetings early on and signed in, so my contact information should be on your distribution lists. I have received nothing at all. The signs along the park are small. I heard today from 1 person on Medway who received a postcard. Second, this is not really a virtual meeting. This is a virtual presentation. There is no interaction.  Only 13 people have responded to the survey. What are you doing to disseminate this information and feedback form? This is why residents feel disenfranchised as Raleigh is paved over everywhere. And this form doesn't work properly either.
ReplyAgree3 years ago