Oxford Road Sidewalk Project

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Project Engagement
Views 150
Participants 49
Responses 208
Comments 41
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How often do you walk along Oxford Road?
1-4 times per week
Over 10 times per week
5-10 times per week
49 respondents
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How do you use Oxford Road? (Check all that apply)
  • 3795%Walk
  • 3077%Vehicular
  • 2359%Ride my bike
39 Respondents
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Do you think the proposed sidewalk will meet the needs of pedestrians along Oxford Road?
80% Yes
20% No
46 respondents
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Do you have any comments about the proposed design?
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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest please rate how informative you found the online touchpoint.
Average 67 / 100
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Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve communications of project details in a virtual format?
Where is the survey conducted several years ago where the votes against installing a sidewalk far exceeded the votes in favor?
Reply1 Agree3 years ago
More traffic calming measures may be needed as there will continue to be many bike riders heading to and from the greenway on this corridor. His is a long overdue project and I’m happy to see it is underway.
Reply1 Agree3 years ago
Since I don’t know what a touchpoint is, I cannot answer.
ReplyAgree3 years ago
The person who shared this with me wrote "I was just looking at the site for road and sidewalk improvements and ran across the notice" so it appears no attempt was made by the city to share with residents.
ReplyAgree3 years ago
First of all, you need to notify people this is happening. I only happened to get a notice via Facebook from a friend in another part of Five Points area. I attended meetings early on and signed in, so my contact information should be on your distribution lists. I have received nothing at all. The signs along the park are small. I heard today from 1 person on Medway who received a postcard. Second, this is not really a virtual meeting. This is a virtual presentation. There is no interaction.  Only 13 people have responded to the survey. What are you doing to disseminate this information and feedback form? This is why residents feel disenfranchised as Raleigh is paved over everywhere. And this form doesn't work properly either.
ReplyAgree3 years ago