Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest Aquatic Center Renovation Survey 2

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Project Engagement
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1. Which concept best fulfills the vision of the community?
Option A
Option B
No Preference
402 respondents
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2. When considering both concepts, what layout or location do you prefer for the following amenities?
288 responses
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3. What do you like most about Concept A?
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4. What do you like most about Concept B?
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5. What, if anything, is missing from the concepts?
Please work on making this a year-round pool that can be used for local swim teams & water polo teams. We are missing out on great fundraising opportunities by not giving this serious consideration. Meets make money.
Reply22 Agree2 years ago
There's nothing wrong with the NW Pool as it is today. This does not seem a good use of funds, except for modernization of equipment. Put the splash pad in the expansive playground area, if you need it. And keep the pool area dedicated to swimming.
Reply13 Agree2 years ago
Guard shack should be climate-controlled, AERATION, back stroke flags, shading over the pool
Reply10 Agree2 years ago
lockers for belongings
Reply7 Agree2 years ago
Agree with investing to make this a year-round pool! Invest in infrastructure improvements -- perhaps including some heating for winter? -- vs redesign. City swim teams need more centrally located facilities, there's opportunity for community investment here.
Reply4 Agree2 years ago
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What do you want to feel when you come to this pool?
peace and calm in a lush, green and shady natural space
Reply6 Agree2 years ago
Serenity, peace, closeness to the natural world
Reply5 Agree2 years ago
cool - love the mosaic art at deep eddie and shipe pool
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Swimming with lots of shade and place to relax.
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
Community that shares a beloved space where kids grow, parents socialize and everyone is chilling.
Reply1 Agree2 years ago
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