The Flood Management Plan guides how King County manages flood risks along our rivers, creeks, and shorelines. On June 6, King County Executive Dow Constantine proposed the 2024 King County Flood Management Plan to the Metropolitan King County Council. The Council’s Local Services and Land Use Committee will review the plan and associated legislation and issue a recommendation for full Council action. Please check the Local Services and Land Use Committee webpage for updates about the Council’s review.

The public comment periods for the Draft Flood Plan and associated Environmental Impact Statement are closed. Here is a summary of the public comments received. 


Presentations and recordings from recent public meetings

During the public comment period, King County hosted two online public meetings.

Let's plan for flood resilience together

Flooding is our region’s most common natural disaster and is a part of life in King County. Flooding can be devastating to neighborhoods. Floods damage homes, destroy personal property and put lives at risk. Floods also affect access to jobs, stores and schools and can damage community open spaces. Flooding is likely to get more frequent and severe with climate change.

Natural disasters affect people differently, with some having a harder time recovering, or perhaps not recovering at all. Building flood resilience means that we are increasing the ability for people and communities to recover quickly from whatever impacts flooding brings to our doorsteps. Flooding will never disappear in King County, but being prepared can reduce the risks for communities, families, and individuals.

The flood plan guides how we manage flood risks and how the benefits of our efforts are distributed across the county. Information on this site is organized into five sections:

Sign up to receive email updates about the flood plan!

Aerial photo of a flooded Snoqualmie Valley.

Snoqualmie River flooding near Duvall in December 2015.


For general information or assistance with questions about flooding, please contact:

King County River and Floodplain Management Section


For questions about the flood plan update, please contact:

Jason Wilkinson

Project Manager



Learn more about the King County Flood Management Plan on our Web site.

Icon of clipboard with path to checkbox.October 2021 - September 2022


Phase 1: Community and partner engagement

Icon of document with magnifying glass.October 2022 - June 2023

Gather community input to establish a shared vision for the flood plan. We are asking about flooding experiences, community priorities, and needs to build flood resilience.

  • November 7 - December 9, 2022: comment period on environmental impact statement (EIS) scope for State Environmental Policy Act review process (complete)

Phase 2: Community and partner engagement

Icon of document with arrow on target.July 2023 - October 2023

During this phase we will share specific strategies and priorities that are emerging and ask for your feedback and ideas on them. We will also share what we heard from you during Phase 1 and how your input is guiding the contents of the flood plan.

Tribal consultation

Icon of three people at a table.Ongoing


Analyze technical, policy and programmatic elements; assess hazards and risk; develop action plan; develop plan content

Icon of magnifying glass looking at chart.October 2022 - December 2023


Phase 3: Community engagement

Icon of person with two options they are considering. January 2024 - March 2024

We’ll share the draft flood plan and ask for your review and feedback to make sure we’re on the right track.

  • Early 2024: comment period on draft flood plan
  • Early 2024: comment period on draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for State Environmental Policy Act review process

Propose plan to King County Council

Icon of many people at a table. May 2024 - June 2024


King County Council considers plan

Two black speech boxes. June 2024 - September 2024