The purpose of this virtual Open House is to share information and get your input about several proposed shared-use path connections between the Little Miami Scenic Trail (LMST) bridge project and Ranchvale Drive. A shared-use path is a path specifically designed for pedestrians and bicyclists and is physically separated from vehicular traffic (see an example in the picture below). Information contained in this Open House includes a description of project alternatives being considered, potential impacts of the proposed paths, next steps and funding needs. In addition, we would like to answer any questions you might have.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the CDC has recommended using social distancing to help prevent the spread of the virus. Public involvement meetings are very difficult to perform while practicing social distancing. ODOT is, therefore, conducting this public involvement opportunity online where social distancing is not an issue and we can safely engage with the public about proposed transportation improvements. 

Shared Use Path Example


Your Input is Needed
Public input is important and will be used to guide decision-making. We've included a number of questions for you throughout the following pages. Please take a few moments to answer each one so we can learn more about you and better understand your preferences. The first questions are below.

Internet Access Difficulties
A printout of exhibits and a comment form will be mailed to anyone who has difficulty accessing the Virtual Open House. Please submit requests to Paul Maricocchi, Environmental Engineer for ODOT District 8, using one of the contact methods listed below. Please also reference the HAM-LMST to Ranchvale PID 113602/115291 Virtual Open House in your request.

Mail:    505 South State Route 741, Lebanon, OH 45036
Telephone:    (800) 831-2142
E-mail:    Paul.Maricocchi@dot.ohio.gov


Question title

Question 1
What zip code do you live in?

Question title

Question 2
How did you hear about this virtual Open House?

Newspaper ad
Newspaper article
Mailed letter
TV or radio
ODOT website
Eastern Corridor website
Social media
Closed to responses

Question title

Question 3
Select the age range you represent.

29 years or younger
30 - 49 years old
50 - 69 years old
70 years old or above
Closed to responses

Click CONTINUE to learn more about the background of this project.

Project Contact  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Paul Maricocchi, E.I.T.
Environmental Engineer
ODOT District 8

505 South State Route 741
Lebanon, OH 45036