More ways to engage: 

  1. Send your questions or comments to staff:
  2. Contact the Planning and Zoning Commission:
  3. Visit the Planning and Zoning Comission webpage to view upcoming public meetings where you can provide in person public comments. 

Public Information Session recording  
January 31, 2025


Amendment to the Site Plan Review Thresholds for Development (24-02604PZ)

Link to DocumentsStatus:  Review by Planning & Zoning CommissionNext Key Date: City Council Public Hearing | February 11, 2025Managing Planner:  Will Palmquist, Principal...

Amendment to Residential Parking Requirements (24-02605PZ)

 Link to DocumentsStatus:  Review by Planning & Zoning CommissionNext Key Date:  City Council Public Hearing | February 11, 2025Managing Planner:  Sam Starr-Baum,...

Amendment to Commercial Zoning District Standards (24-06716PZ)

Link to DocumentsStatus:  Review by Planning & Zoning CommissionNext Key Date: City Council Public Hearing | February 11, 2025Managing Planner:  Vaidila Satvika, vsatvika@ashevillenc.govThis...

Interactive Map of proposed areas for changes

This map shows areas that are currently proposed for UDO changes. After opening the map, use the checkboxes on the left of the screen to show or hide the proposed areas for each amendment.