Riverside County Coordinated Plan
Riverside County Coordinated Plan
The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Plan documents mobility needs and gaps of seniors, persons with disabilities, persons of low income, and Tribal members living and traveling within Riverside County.
The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) seeks your feedback to help improve mobility and public transit services. Help us better understand mobility needs and identify gaps across our large, diverse county to enable the Commission and the public transit operators to better address these needs and gaps.
Take this survey to improve your public transit options!
Seniors, people with disabilities and of low income, tribal members living in Riverside County, and anyone who cares about these groups.
The Riverside County Transportation Commission wants to know more about the mobility challenges these groups experience across Riverside County. Use this survey to tell us how YOU want to see public transit improved.
To complete the survey in English, use this link or click here:
Para rellenar la encuesta en inglés, utilice este enlace o haga clic aquí:
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