Happening Now 

The City of Asheville launched an Request for Proposals (RFP) process on September 20, 2024 to facilitate a competitive process of contracting with an operator to deliver supplemental services for the defined Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) area - see map here. The supplemental services are funded through a special tax assessment added to property tax bills within the defined service area. Through the forthcoming contract, supplemental services will be delivered. Visit the City's Purchasing page to view the RFP.

Prior to launching the RFP, the City sought input from those who live, work and visit downtown, to help further shape the service needs and priorities for the district based on the following focus areas:

  • Safety & Hospitality: Ensuring a welcoming and secure environment for everyone

  • Enhanced Cleaning: Keeping our downtown clean and well-maintained

  • Special Projects: Undertaking initiatives that enhance the downtown experience

An engagement summary is available at this link.

The input received informed the services outlined in the RFP. Community feedback is vital in ensuring that the services provided meet, to the fullest extent possible, the needs and priorities of the community. 


Beginning in the summer of 2023, a group of downtown stakeholders, including property owners, businesses and residents organized with support from the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce and Asheville Downtown Association to advocate for the creation of a BID in downtown Asheville.


A BID is a type of municipal service district authorized by NC General Statutes that is defined by ordinance upon a finding that the district is in need of one or more defined services, facilities, or functions to a demonstrably greater extent than the remainder of the city. The City Council has broad discretion to establish BID boundaries within a geographically defined area such as downtown. 


Based on the needs identified through this group's engagement with stakeholders, a service budget of approximately $1.2 M was proposed along with an operational plan/report that outlines the proposed enhanced services. A website with more information on what the group advocated for is here


With votes at the May 13, and June 11, 2024 City Council meetings, City Council established the BID boundary and tax rate (.0877 per $100 assessed valuation of taxable property). This establishment is included in the approved FY 2024-2025 budget and tax rate ordinance

Also on June 11, 2024, City Council passed a resolution that outlines desired BID services, reporting and engagement requirements for the contracted operator as well as the governance/advisory structure to be implemented by the operator.

Frequently Asked Questions

A BID is a type of municipal service district authorized by NC General Statutes that is defined by ordinance upon a finding that the district is in need of one or more defined services, facilities, or functions to a demonstrably greater extent than the remainder of the city.

A BID is a type of municipal service district authorized by NC General Statutes that provides additional defined services, facilities, or functions to a specific location within the City. A government bond is a debt security issued by the government to support government spending, typically for infrastructure improvement projects.

All property taxpayers within the BID boundary (see map) will be required to pay an annual assessment of $0.0877 per $100 of assessed value.

An interactive map showing BID properties along with tax value and exemption status is viewable here.

The City of Asheville will issue a competitive Request For Proposal (RFP) to select a management organization/service provider. As part of the RFP, the City will require the contracted management organization to establish a Steering Committee of local businesses and residents to guide the services and operations of the BID, subject to section 1.3 in this City Council resolution


The service provider will nominate Steering Committee members for City Council consideration. City Council may accept the nominations, or request that the service provider submit alternative nominees. All applications will be made available to the City Council and the public for review prior to consideration of the recommended nominees.


The BID service provider will comply with all public records and open meetings laws for work associated with the BID contract and BID Steering Committee.


The BID service provider will be required to solicit opinions, feedback and input annually (at minimum) regarding the effectiveness of BID services and report to City Council annually (at minimum) on the needs of the service district, completed projects and pending projects. The BID service provider will be required to provide accounting for funds expended pursuant to the BID contract at the end of each fiscal year or other appropriate period.


The Asheville City Council maintains the final authority to approve the annual BID Budget and set the yearly tax rate.


For the intial year of BID operation, there will be an annual operating budget of $1,250,000.

April 23, 2024

City Council holds a Public Hearing on the establishment of a Downtown BID (including the proposed boundary and tax rate).

May 13, 2024

City Council take a vote on (one of two required) to establish the boundary and tax rate for a Downtown BID

June 11, 2024

City Council approved boundary and tax rate to establish a Downtown BID. City Council approved Resolution for Downtown BID structure.

Downtown BID community input survey open until August 11

July 26, 2024

Updates on implementation presented to the Downtown Commission. View the presentation here

July - August 2024 - Community engagement focus group meetings

August 30, 2024 - Presentation of community engagement results and proposed service aspects to the Downtown Commission

Link to presentation (slide deck)

Link to meeting recording

September 9, 2024 - Review of Request for Proposal by City Council's Planning & Economic Development Committee

Link to presentation (slide deck)

Link to meeting recording

September 20, 2024 - Request for Proposal to be published

View the RFP on the City's Bids/Purchasing page here

October 15, 2024

Closing of Request for Proposals (RFP) process. View the RFP on the City's Bids/Purchasing page here

(Tentative) November 14, 2024

Anticipated presentation at City Council agenda briefing. 

(Tentative) November 19, 2024

Anticipated City Council Consideration of Resolution to Authorize the Service Provider Contract (and associated Public Hearing).


City Manager's Office

City of Asheville

Email: downtownbid@publicinput.com