Question title

What is your connection to the Greater Maple Valley/ Cedar River area?

An image showing all of the King County Service areas with the greater Maple valley area highlighted and an arrow pointing to it that says this survey is about this part of unincorporated king County
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Question title

Imagine the best things about the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River area in 20 years. What are one to three words that describe your vision for the area?

Question title

This subarea plan will help decide what kinds of land use activities can happen on land in rural areas. What types of land uses do you envision for Greater Maple Valley in 20 years?

An image showing a mix of land uses a home a rural landscape a tree farm a trail a farmers market stand

Question title

The Greater Maple Valley/ Cedar River area in King County is rural and contains historic retail uses like the Hobart Market and Ravensdale Market. To protect rural character, nearby cities and towns provide services and retail needs like groceries, health care, and automobile services.

What types of commercial and other services would help the community while protecting rural character and supporting historic uses?

Question title

What type of park or open space would you like to see in the next 20 years?

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Question title

Which cultural resources do you value most?

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The next questions are about important topics that are addressed in the King County Comprehensive Plan when they apply to the whole county. These topics include health services, transportation, housing, utilities, and public services.  

Subarea plans help focus on issues that are specific to smaller geographic areas when they can't be addressed in the broader Comprehensive Plan. Keep in mind how these items can be specific to the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River area!

Question title

What environmental issues are most important to you?

An image showing multiple types of environment land water trees air
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Question title

What are the housing needs in this community?

Question title

What health and human service needs impact residents' well-being in this area?

An image showing types of human services seniors doctors mental health therapy food banks childcare

Question title

What are the most significant transportation challenges in this area?

Question title

What are the unmet utility and public service needs for this area?

An image showing a collage of services and utilities like fire electricity water

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your input is very important for the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River subarea plan. 


The questions on the next tab are optional demographic questions. These help us make sure we hear from different voices in our community, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. This helps us understand how our plans affect different groups and ensures fairness and equity. If you want to skip these questions, you may just exit. As long as you can see your answers on this page, they have been recorded.


If you would like to recieve follow up information about this survey, results, or more planning information please register to receive updates or email us at This survey will not be tied to any personal information so we will not be able to follow up with you on comments directly made in the survey.


Register at Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Subarea Plan - PublicInput

Your input is very important for planning the future of the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River area. The answers you give will help shape the community for the next 20 years. This survey is to gather your thoughts and ideas to help make a plan that reflects community needs. 


Visioning is about imagining a future for Greater Maple Valley that reflects the community.  


Scoping is about figuring-out what issues and topics the plan should cover. Your responses will help us understand what is important to you and your neighbors. 


We appreciate your time and help with this important planning effort. 


Click on the link to find out if you live in unincorporated King County (the areas in green)! 

Helpful tips for completing this survey!

For open ended questions that use the idea board format, you can enter your answers and they will show up as a sticky note on the virtual board. You can search for ideas others have already submitted to agree with them, upvote answers, or add your own.

Instructions for open ended questions


This survey is set as completely anonymous. If you have a public input sign in, none of your answers will be connected to your profile. We will not be able to follow up with you on any questions asked in the survey unless you provide contact information. If you hae questions please email us at


If you would like to recieve follow up information about this survey, results, or more planning information regarding the plan please register to receive updates at Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Subarea Plan - PublicInput.