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Welcome to Austin ISD’s home for online participation! Here you can find opportunities to share your input on current initiatives and view results of past surveys.

Active Surveys & Projects

Past Surveys & Projects

View project details for Austin ISD Repurposing Series 2 Survey | Encuesta de la Serie 2 de Readaptación del Distrito Escolar de Austin
Icon image for Austin ISD Repurposing Series 2 Survey | Encuesta de la Serie 2 de Readaptación del Distrito Escolar de Austin

Austin ISD Repurposing Series 2 Survey | Encuesta de la Serie 2 de Readaptación del Distrito Escolar de Austin

The district is proposing several options for new uses for the Anita Ferrales Coy, former Pease Elementary School and former Rosedale School sites. These proposals are based on the community’s feedback...

View project details for Austin ISD Teacher Housing Survey | Encuesta sobre vivienda para maestros en Austin ISD
Icon image for Austin ISD Teacher Housing Survey | Encuesta sobre vivienda para maestros en Austin ISD

Austin ISD Teacher Housing Survey | Encuesta sobre vivienda para maestros en Austin ISD

Austin ISD is currently considering building teacher housing. To help us better understand our teachers’ housing needs, please complete this 16-question survey by the end of the day on Sunday,...

View project details for 2022 Updated Bond Proposals Input form | Formulario de comentarios para las propuestas actualizadas de Bonos 2022
Icon image for 2022 Updated Bond Proposals Input form | Formulario de comentarios para las propuestas actualizadas de Bonos 2022

2022 Updated Bond Proposals Input form | Formulario de comentarios para las propuestas actualizadas de Bonos 2022

Austin ISD has been laying the groundwork for a November 2022 Bond proposition over the last year. The Bond Steering Committee has updated the two draft proposals for consideration. Please review...

View project details for Austin ISD Dual Language Interest Survey | Encuesta sobre su interés en Lenguaje Dual del Austin ISD
Icon image for Austin ISD Dual Language Interest Survey | Encuesta sobre su interés en Lenguaje Dual del Austin ISD

Austin ISD Dual Language Interest Survey | Encuesta sobre su interés en Lenguaje Dual del Austin ISD

Welcome families! Take this 18-question survey to learn if the Dual Language program is a good option for your family.At the end of the quiz, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us if you’d...

View project details for Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #3 and #4| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 3 y 4
Icon image for Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #3 and #4| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 3 y 4

Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #3 and #4| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 3 y 4

Austin ISD is asking for your input on DRAFT maps 3 and 4. These maps are for discussion purposes only to aid in soliciting Board and community input on potential changes.What is redistricting?Redistricting...

View project details for Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #2| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 2
Icon image for Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #2| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 2

Austin ISD Redistricting Survey Draft Map #2| Encuesta sobre la redistribución: borrador del mapa 2

Austin ISD is asking for your input on DRAFT map 2. This is a preliminary map that shows one way to change the current Single Member District map to meet the statutory redistricting...

View project details for Updated 2022-23 Budget Survey | Encuesta actualizada sobre el presupuesto 2022-23
Icon image for Updated 2022-23 Budget Survey | Encuesta actualizada sobre el presupuesto 2022-23

Updated 2022-23 Budget Survey | Encuesta actualizada sobre el presupuesto 2022-23

Austin ISD is proposing a few new changes to balance the 2022-23 school year budget. The board will vote to approve the final budget at its regular voting meeting in June. Please tell us your thoughts...

View project details for Austin ISD Recapture Survey | Encuesta sobre la recuperación en Austin ISD
Icon image for Austin ISD Recapture Survey | Encuesta sobre la recuperación en Austin ISD

Austin ISD Recapture Survey | Encuesta sobre la recuperación en Austin ISD

Recapture, which is also called “Robin Hood,” is part of the state’s school finance system. School districts that are deemed “property-rich” by the state are required to pay...

View project details for Austin ISD Health & Safety Protocols Survey | Encuesta sobre los protocolos de salud y seguridad en Austin ISD
Icon image for Austin ISD Health & Safety Protocols Survey | Encuesta sobre los protocolos de salud y seguridad en Austin ISD

Austin ISD Health & Safety Protocols Survey | Encuesta sobre los protocolos de salud y seguridad en Austin ISD

In light of the sharp decline in COVID-19 cases, we need your input prior to revisiting our pandemic protocols which currently include mandatory masking. While we had hoped in early Fall that masks...

View project details for Austin ISD 2022-23 Budget Update Survey | Encuesta sobre actualizaciones al presupuesto del Austin ISD
Icon image for Austin ISD 2022-23 Budget Update Survey | Encuesta sobre actualizaciones al presupuesto del Austin ISD

Austin ISD 2022-23 Budget Update Survey | Encuesta sobre actualizaciones al presupuesto del Austin ISD

At the Board of Trustees meeting last week, Austin ISD Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde proposed balancing the budget without cutting into teacher plan and prep time at the secondary level by cutting...


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