Zilker Clubhouse Rehabilitation

Survey to Vendors and Renters
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Project Engagement

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For what purpose(s) have you used the Zilker Clubhouse previously?
Wedding or Commitment Ceremony
Company Party or Retreat
Memorial Service or Ceremony
68 respondents
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Would a dedicated "Green Room" where a bride or groom could get dressed and prepped or other "back of house" area improve the function of the Zilker Clubhouse as an event venue? Please slide the response to how strongly you feel.
Average 62 / 100
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The Clubhouse is a historic facility and therefore is not air conditioned in the Main Hall. Based on your experience in the space, please position the slider to identify how strongly you feel between these two options.
Average 71 / 100
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There is a grassy lawn on the north side of the building. Would improvements to this lawn area enhance future experiences at this site?
Average 59 / 100
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When considering the kitchen area, what is the most critical feature that could be improved?

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Are there audio, visual, or network needs at the Clubhouse that would have improved your experience?
55% Yes
45% No
55 respondents
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