Zilker Park Vision Plan Community Survey #5

Survey open February 15 through April 11, 2023
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Project Engagement

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How well does each option achieve the overall guiding principles and goals?
616 responses
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Select the top 5 elements you like from Plan Concept A: Stitch?
  • 29174%1. Land Bridge
  • 24662%9. Additional pedestrian/bike bridge connections across Barton Creek
  • 20752%6. Pedestrian bridge at Toomey Road extension
  • 18547%7. Barton Springs Road (2 lanes of traffic, no on-street parking)
  • 16442%3. Removal of vehicular traffic from Lou Neff
  • 15840%5. Ecological uplift of Butler Landfill with some surface lot parking
  • 9825%8. Off leash dog area in Polo Field lawn area
  • 7719%11. Stratford Drive realignment east of MoPac and closure of existing Stratford alignment to vehicular traffic
  • 6717%10. New location of Zilker Hillside Theater (Great Lawn area)
  • 3910%2. Sports complex at rugby field
  • 3910%4. Disconnection of Columbus Drive
  • 144%Other
395 Respondents
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What is missing that you think would improve Plan Concept A?
Do nothing ! Get rid of ACL and Trail of Lights. No construction or earth moving please
Reply25 Agree3 years ago
Agree completely on sustaining and uplifting. However, the traffic/parking needs some bigger and greener thinking. Why would we build garages to entice yet more cars to an already congested downtown area? Where are the incentives to get people out of their cars and onto buses and connect walking/bike paths from ALL sides into the park (some of the proposals focus on this, but a comprehensive proposal for the external to the internal pathways should be included). Underpasses or bridges for pedestrations and cyclicts is a must. Protected bike paths everywhere are a must. Force cars to park at off-park locations and use shuttles or pathways to access park. Force cars to park away from the park, and limit parking and use that space to create more green space. Ask other cities (Seattle/Portland) how they have improved congested parkland in urban areas. Austin is primed to think bigger and more like the West Coast than other parts of Texas (in terms of leveraging those ideas in Austin).
Reply12 Agree3 years ago
Yes, discontinue ACL and Trial of Lights. Keep Wright Field, keep present off-leash areas. Enforce existing rules/laws. There are several school buses and other vehicles that have camped at Wright Field for the past 6 months. Rehire Park Police, Park Rangers are ineffective.
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
Zilker maybe can have three or so improvements but y’all want to much. Let austin have our zilker. Make your “improvements” on new green space. Stop destroying our last bit of true austin culture
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
Wright field and rugby field
Reply2 Agree3 years ago
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Select the top 5 elements you like from Plan Concept B: Edges?
  • 1458%13. Additional pedestrian/bike bridge connections across Barton Creek
  • 1250%7. Pedestrian bridge at Toomey Road extension
  • 1146%9. Pedestrian/bike bridge across Lady Bird Lake to connect to Austin High area
  • 1042%3. Barton Springs Road underpass for pedestrian and bikes
  • 1042%10. Nature playground and new trailhead on west side of MoPac in Zilker Preserve
  • 833%4. Removal of vehicular traffic from Lou Neff
  • 833%5. Removal of vehicular traffic from Andrew Zilker Road
  • 625%6. Ecological uplift of Butler Landfill next to parking garage and Zilker Hillside Theater
  • 625%15. Stratford Drive realignment east of MoPac and closure of existing Stratford alignment to vehicular traffic
  • 417%1. Parking garages at the perimeter of the park
  • 313%14. New location of Zilker Hillside Theater (Landfill area)
  • 28%8. Barton Springs Road (2 lanes of traffic, on-street parking)
  • 28%11. Off leash dog area near Azie Morton Road / southern part of Zilker Park
  • 28%12. Playground in southern part of Zilker Park
  • 14%2. Sports complex at Polo Field lawn
  • 14%Other
24 Respondents
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What is missing that you think would improve Plan Concept B?
Don't really love the idea of parallel parking along Barton Springs Rd. There is a certain charm to your visibility of the park as you drive through. With parking on either side, visual access would be broken from the street. To see people out playing frisbee or going for a run brings me happiness, even if I am driving to work and can't join in on the fun. To only see cars on your left and right as if it were South Congress would be a shame. You would lose the calming effect of seeing the fun and green space.
Reply23 Agree3 years ago
The land bridge! Accessible bike/ped crossings are so much better when above-ground, open to natural light and visibility. Also, Plan B includes too much new parking, and doesn't adequately support the City's mode-share goals.
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Moving the theatre will seem to bring a lot of potential disruption to theatre attendees with mixing with people on the great lawn, their music, their dogs - seems like mixing a lot of people.
Reply13 Agree3 years ago
Invasive plant removal and rewilding with native plant species. Shuttles from south Austin.
Reply5 Agree3 years ago
more land restoration
Reply4 Agree3 years ago
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Select the top 5 elements you like from Plan Concept C: Regenerate?
  • 19555%2. Boardwalk on Lady Bird Lake
  • 18953%11. Improved access points into water at Barton Creek (outside of Barton Springs Pool)
  • 17549%8. Ecological uplift of Butler Landfill (meadow with some tree planting)
  • 15744%4. Lou Neff Point pedestrian and bike bridge
  • 15644%3. Separated bike trail from Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail along Lady Bird Lake
  • 10329%1. Repurposed Caretaker's Cottage and Quonset Hut to welcome center
  • 9426%9. Surface parking lots, no parking garages
  • 8524%10. Azie Morton Road improvements
  • 5816%5. Boat House and dock moved to east side of MoPac near Butler Landfill
  • 5716%6. Barton Springs Road improvements (one lane of travel in each direction, on-street parking)
  • 5515%7. Stratford Road remains in current alignment, open to vehicular traffic
  • 93%Other
355 Respondents
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