This project will be reprioritized for funding in the next State Transportation Improvement Program. A schedule for right of way, utilities and/or construction has not been determined at this time. However, preliminary engineering activities (planning, design, studies) needed for project development are underway.

Question title

Below is an interactive map of the project.

You may place a point on the map to provide comment about a particular area.


The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to upgrade U.S. 70 to interstate standards from the U.S. 70 Goldsboro Bypass in Wayne County to west of Pondfield Road (S.R. 2314) in Johnston County.

The project will construct approximately 6.7 miles of freeway, three interchanges, and a bridge crossing over Rains Mill Road / N. Pine Street in the Town of Princeton. Driveways, intersecting streets, and median crossovers will be removed, and service roads will be added along portions of the project to provide access for property owners and to ensure mobilitty for local traffic.

The project will not add additional through lanes to the existing four-lane divided highway but will provide wider paved outside and median shoulders.


Since the last public meeting in 2019, the project team has been further developing and refining the roadway designs, which are available to view below. Various changes have occurred throughout the project as the design has further advanced. Some of the changes resulted from public input, efforts to reduce project costs and impacts, and as a result of further design and associated design information. The proposed design, right of way limits, and easements shown on the project maps are preliminary and subject to change as the design continues to progress.

Updated Project Designs (March 2023)

Click on the links below to view the latest (March 2023) project designs:

The updated design includes five notable changes, as described below.


Holts Pond Road – The project now:

  • extends the existing left turn lane on eastbound Holts Pond Road at Princeton Elementary School to the intersection with New Ballpark Road to accommodate vehicles turning north onto the New Ballpark Road Extension.
  • adds a left turn lane on westbound Holts Pond Road to accommodate motorists turning onto southbound New Ballpark Road. 

For more information, see the U.S. 70A / New Ballpark Road Extension map. 


Proposed U.S. 70 Service Road on north side of U.S. 70 - The project now:

  • connects the two service roads shown at the previous public meetings to provide a continuous service road that connects from Edwards Road to Capps Bridge Road, improving accessibility into Princeton. 

For more information, see the N. Pearl Street / Edwards Road and Capps Bridge Road/Ebenezer Church Road maps.


Old Rock Quarry Road -

  • There is an added intersection of Old Rock Quarry Road with the proposed service road that extends from Old Rock Quarry Road to Rains Mill Road.  It is located just north of the Old Rock Quarry Road/Eagles Crest Lane intersection. 

This new intersection

  • eliminates the need to “dead-end” the northern portion of Old Rock Quarry Road as previously shown. 
  • allows for the elimination of the planned connector roadway that proposed to extend Northside Drive on new location from Old Rock Quarry Road to intersect with the proposed service road. 
  • The southern portion of Old Rock Quarry Road will continue to be “dead-ended” near its existing intersection with U.S. 70. 

For more information, see the U.S. 70A / New Ballpark Road Extenison map 


Pearl Street and Edwards Road - 

  • The length and width of the proposed concrete median island has been reduced along Pearl Street and Edwards Road. 
  • 2-foot 6-inch concrete curb and gutter has been added along the outside of the proposed travel lanes for a portion of Pearl Street and Edwards Road.   

For more information, see the N. Pearl Street / Edwards Road map 


For funding purposes, the project was initially divided into two segments to be planned and designed together, then constructed in stages.  

Segment A extends from the Goldsboro Bypass to west of N. Pearl Street/Edwards Road. 

Two interchanges are in Segment A: 

One interchange is proposed in the vicinity of Capps Bridge Road and Ebenezer Church Road in Wayne County; and 

One interchange is proposed on the east side of the Town of Princeton at N. Pearl Street/Edwards Road in Johnston County.

Segment B extends from west of N. Pearl Street/Edwards Road to west of Pondfield Road. 

One interchange is proposed in Segment B on the western side of the Town of Princeton in Johnston County, near the intersection with U.S. 70A.

In addition, a new roadway, New Ballpark Road Extension, is proposed to be constructed from south of the U.S. 70A interchange to Holts Pond Road and will align opposite New Ballpark Road.


2023 Update

NCDOT’s currently adopted 2024-2033 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) does not include right-of-way acquisition or construction funding for several projects under development, including R-5829.

Funding is provided in the current STIP for preliminary engineering activities. Engineering work will continue on projects R-5829 Sections A and B so that if funding should become available, right of way acquisition could begin in 2025.

NCDOT continues to pursue grants and other funding opportunities for this project.


2019 Update

Selection of Preferred Alternatives and Associated Maps

Based on review of comments from the open house public meeting held in December 2017, and after further coordination and review regarding impacts to residences, businesses, and environmental features, the NCDOT has identified preferred interchange designs at or near the following locations:

To provide continued local access across U.S. 70 to the Town of Princeton, NCDOT also proposes that U.S. 70 cross over Rains Mill Road/N. Pine Street on bridges.  

Traffic Noise Analysis

Preliminary analysis of traffic noise was completed in April 2019, and the maps show potential noise abatement areas. The labeled areas on the maps indicate noise-sensitive locations for which potential noise barriers have been identified.

More detailed analyses will occur during final project design to determine whether these potential barrier locations meet the feasible and reasonable criteria within the NCDOT Traffic Noise Policy. If these criteria are met, barrier construction will occur pending public approval.

An important concept in Federal regulation and in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Policy is the Date of Public Knowledge, which stipulates when NCDOT is and is not responsible for providing noise abatement. The Date of Public Knowledge of the location and potential noise impacts for this project will be the approval date of the Categorical Exclusion (CE), which was approved in August 2019.

NCDOT is not responsible for evaluating or implementing any noise barriers to protect developed lands that did not have building permits issued before the Date of Public Knowledge. NCDOT advocates use of local government authority to regulate land development, planning, design, and construction in such a way that noise impacts are minimized.  


The project design will continue to be finalized, and the right of way plans will be completed. In addition, the more detailed traffic noise analysis will be completed.



        Estimated Amount*

  Spent in Prior Years

$           2,000,000  

  Property Acquisition

$         49,400,000  


$         14,100,000  

  Construction Costs

$       157,200,000  

  Total Cost

$       222,700,000  


* Estimated Costs are subject to change.




Feasibility Study completed for Segment A (from Edwards Road to the Goldsboro Bypass)

November 2015

Feasibility Study for Segment B

August 2018

1st Public Meeting

 December 7, 2017

Review public, agency, and other stakeholder input, complete field work and studies, prepare preliminary project designs, summarize alternative(s), associated costs, impacts, etc., and prepare a draft environmental document

 January 2018 


December 2018

2nd Public Meeting

May 21, 2019

Postcard Update

May 2023

Categorical Exclusion Environmental Documentation completed

August 8, 2019

Final Design Began


Additional Noise Analysis Began


Right of Way Acquisition Segment A

August 2024

Right of Way Acquisition Segment B


Construction Segment A


Construction Segment B


The current Board of Transportation Adopted 2024-2033 STIP can be viewed or downloaded here:


The NCDOT project team will review all feedback – regardless of how it is submitted (online, phone, email, or letter) – and explore options to incorporate and address concerns where and when feasible.  NCDOT will continue to develop the project and present progress throughout the planning stage.  In May 2023, a postcard was sent to residents in the area surrounding the proposed project.   The postcard provided the website to visit where updated project details could be viewed.

2019 Public Meeting

NCDOT held an open-house public meeting to present the Preferred Alternative on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 from 4 p.m. -7 p.m. at Grace Baptist Church, located at 220 Barden Street in Princeton.  

Maps that were presented:  

2017 Public Meeting

NCDOT previously held an open house public meeting regarding the proposed improvements to U.S. 70 in Wayne and Johnston Counties.  The meeting was held on Thursday, December 7, 2017 at Grace Baptist Church, located at 220 Barden Street in Princeton from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.


2017 - Public Meeting Handout

Please click on this link to view or download a copy of the December 7, 2017 Public Meeting Handout.


2017 - Public Meeting Maps

Please click on the links below to view or download a copy of the maps being presented at the public meeting


R-5829AB-East Princeton-Dr Donnie Jones East Map 

R-5829AB-West Princeton - Dr Donnie Jones West Map

R-5829AB-West Princeton-U.S. 70-A Interchange Map


Comments may be submitted via phone, email or U.S. Mail to either of the individuals listed below or at any meeting.



NCDOT held an open-house public meeting on May 21, 2019, at Grace Baptist Church in Princeton, NC.  Comments were submitted to the project team via comment forms, letters, emails, and phone calls. These comments have been summarized and responses prepared for those that required additional information or clarification.  Responses to questions and comments received at the May 2019 public meeting.

NCDOT held a public meeting to share information about the project on December 7, 2017, at Grace Baptist Church in Princeton, NC. The meeting was attended by 269 members of the public. Comments were submitted to the project team via comment forms, letters, emails, and phone calls. These comments have been summarized and responses prepared for those that required additional information or clarification.  Responses to questions and comments received at the December 2017 public meeting.

NCDOT Project Engineer

Consultant Project Manager

Rachel Evans, PE

Debbie Barbour, PE

NCDOT Highway Division 4

Kisinger Campo & Associates

PO Box 3165

301 Fayetteville Street - Suite 1500

Wilson, NC  27895

Raleigh, NC  27601


Project Email:  US70-GoldsboroPrinceton

Project Phone:   984-205-6615       Code:  2120


Question title

If you would like to be added to the project email list please provide an email address.

(If you ask a question, please provide an email address so that we can respond)



Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish