Five Points Streetscape & Safety Study

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Please rank the following priorities for the Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study in order of importance (from top to bottom)
  • 448Rank: 1.6891%Improving safety
  • 412Rank: 2.5584%Improving walking and bicycling conditions
  • 393Rank: 3.1080%Reducing traffic speed
  • 394Rank: 3.2480%Addressing traffic congestion
  • 377Rank: 3.8577%Improving the look and feel of the intersection
492 Respondents
The first option will do nothing to address our concerns (#1 is speeding cars!) and the two rotary options will make our situation dramatically worse. We live on The Circle Drive. With a roundabout in place, we will not be able to turn left or right from The Circle Dr during the evening rush hour because traffic will be steady nor will we be able to turn left onto our street. The Circle Drive has no option but Glenwood. We will be trapped on The Circle or away from it during the evening rush hour. Currently, the lights (Five Pts & St. Marys) are well timed and with patience you can get out (even turning left) at any time of day. The roundabouts will make our little street a nightmare.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
The fact that this effort is being put into ONE intersection and not considering the areas around this intersection is ridiculous. Cars are speeding into and out of the intersection, leaving it DANGEROUS TO WALK ON THE SIDEWALK on Glenwood. A comprehensive traffic calming plan is desperately needed--from Peace St to St. Marys/Anderson (and including Whitaker Mill).
ReplyAgreeone year ago
All are important
ReplyAgreeone year ago
The design needs some kind of protected or buffered bike lanes. Modern road/interstection designs without bike lanes in Raleigh shouldn't be considered.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
I live in this neighborhood and rely on the businesses on Fairview Rd. Including the bank, PO, and Hayes Barton pharmacy for my daily living. This plan will kill those businesses. Also it will route more traffic onto the smaller streets. In the neighborhood. It will be impossible to go from Fairview Rd. to any other road at the circle except for taking a right on Glenwood S. Without stoplights one will be unable to safely back out of the parking at Hayes Barton pharmacy. Without stoplights it would be very dangerous for pedestrians to try to cross any of the streets and this is a walking neighborhood. This plan is overkill. The only problem now is drivers speeding on Glenwood as they approach Five Points. Put up speed bumps and the problems will be eliminated or add more stoplights on Glenwood to slow the traffic. This plan will ruin this historic beautiful neighborhood and our ability to use the businesses in it. A small inexpensive improvement of speed bumps is better than expensive overkill.

ReplyAgreeone year ago
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Please select the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the intended benefits of each of the remaining Five Points intersection improvement concepts. (Click image to enlarge view)
434 responses
The first option will do nothing to address our concerns (#1 is speeding cars!) and the two rotary options will make our situation dramatically worse. We live on The Circle Drive. With a roundabout in place, we will not be able to turn left or right from The Circle Dr during the evening rush hour because traffic will be steady nor will we be able to turn left onto our street. The Circle Drive has no option but Glenwood. We will be trapped on The Circle or away from it during the evening rush hour. Currently, the lights (Five Pts & St. Marys) are well timed and with patience you can get out (even turning left) at any time of day. The roundabouts will make our little street a nightmare.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
The fact that this effort is being put into ONE intersection and not considering the areas around this intersection is ridiculous. Cars are speeding into and out of the intersection, leaving it DANGEROUS TO WALK ON THE SIDEWALK on Glenwood. A comprehensive traffic calming plan is desperately needed--from Peace St to St. Marys/Anderson (and including Whitaker Mill).
ReplyAgreeone year ago
All are important
ReplyAgreeone year ago
The design needs some kind of protected or buffered bike lanes. Modern road/interstection designs without bike lanes in Raleigh shouldn't be considered.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
I live in this neighborhood and rely on the businesses on Fairview Rd. Including the bank, PO, and Hayes Barton pharmacy for my daily living. This plan will kill those businesses. Also it will route more traffic onto the smaller streets. In the neighborhood. It will be impossible to go from Fairview Rd. to any other road at the circle except for taking a right on Glenwood S. Without stoplights one will be unable to safely back out of the parking at Hayes Barton pharmacy. Without stoplights it would be very dangerous for pedestrians to try to cross any of the streets and this is a walking neighborhood. This plan is overkill. The only problem now is drivers speeding on Glenwood as they approach Five Points. Put up speed bumps and the problems will be eliminated or add more stoplights on Glenwood to slow the traffic. This plan will ruin this historic beautiful neighborhood and our ability to use the businesses in it. A small inexpensive improvement of speed bumps is better than expensive overkill.

ReplyAgreeone year ago
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Please select the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the intended benefits of each of the remaining Five Points intersection improvement concepts. (Click image to enlarge view)
429 responses
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Please select the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the intended benefits of each of the remaining Five Points intersection improvement concepts. (Click image to enlarge view)
415 responses
The added expense of this alternative makes it completely undesirable from my point of view, regardless of any of the above improvments.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
This concept would allow higher speeds than a single lane concept. I don't think that's what we need here. We need speed reduction for cars and protected bike lanes and pedestrian infrastructure.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
While this would be an improvement, many folks would not be able to deal with a multilane roundabout.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
This would be an improvement but the multi-lane roundabouts are confusing sometimes and might cause other traffic problems. This concept would not change the street parking where I live but it would be safer for walkers but not as safe as the one-lane roundabout.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
This is definitely an improvement and would help but I believe the peanut shaped option is better.
ReplyAgreeone year ago
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Please share how much of a concern you would have about each of the concept's potential affect on the Five Points intersection. (Click image to enlarge view)
388 responses
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Please share how much of a concern you would have about each of the concept's potential affect on the Five Points intersection. (Click image to enlarge view)
389 responses
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