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What is ETOD?

Equitable transit-oriented development, or ETOD, is built upon the planning approach known as transit-oriented development, or TOD. TOD places jobs, housing, goods, and services within walking and biking distance of transit stops. TOD planning can help communities reduce their car use while also providing them with more transportation options, resulting in more sustainable neighborhoods.   

TOD planning, however, has not always benefitted everyone equally. ETOD acknowledges this, and instead works to achieve equitable outcomes by creating opportunities and building communities in which all Austinites are safe, supported, and have the resources to thrive.   

The City of Austin is working in partnership with Capital Metro (Austin's transit authority), the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP), and the community to support equitable transit-oriented development as the Project Connect transit system is built. Learn more about the multi-agency ETOD effort on the Project Connect ETOD website.    

Key Dates

City Council

May 30, 2024

Watch: Adoption of amendment to Imagine Austin by Council 

Planning Commission

March 26, 2024

Watch: Vote by Commissioners on the Imagine Austin Amendment. 

Review: Materials proposed to be attached to Imagine Austin

Commission Action: Approved on consent agenda with a vote of 7-0-3 with Commissioners Azhar, Woods, and Maxwell abstaining. 

City Staff Action: Presentation to City Council May 30, 2024. 

Planning Commission

March 12, 2024

Watch: Presentation given by City staff with an ETOD update on amending the ETOD Typologies to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, followed by Q&A from staff. 

Review: Materials proposed to be attached to Imagine Austin

Commission Action: Postponed the item to Planning Commission meeting on March 26, 2024. 

City Staff Action: Presentation to Planning Commission March 26, 2024. 

Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee

February 21, 2024

Listen: Presentation given by City staff (beginning at 34:27) with an ETOD update on amending the ETOD Typologies to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, followed by Q&A from staff. 

Commission Action: Unanimously approved a recommendation that the ETOD Policy Map and Typologies be forwarded to the Planning Commission to be amended to Imagine Austin. Also requested a process for incorporating latest available data and adding a footnote noting the age of the data before forwarding it to Planning Commission.

City Staff Action: Staff will begin work on establishing a process to incorporate the latest available data into the Typologies, and add a footnote to note the age of the data. 

Next Steps: Presentation to Planning Commission March 12, 2024. 

Community Advisory Committee

February 8, 2024

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Pedestrian Advisory Council

February 5, 2024

Review: Presentation given by City staff with an ETOD update. 

Commission Action: None. Questions from Council members with responses from staff.

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.


Community Advisory Committee

January 11, 2024

Watch: Presentation from City and CapMetro staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Community Advisory Committee

December 14, 2023

Watch: Presentation from City and CapMetro staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee

October 12, 2023

Listen: Presentation (beginning at 30:13) and Q&A from City staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Urban Transportation Commission

October 3, 2023

Watch: Presentation and Q&A from City staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Community Advisory Committee

September 14, 2023

Watch: Presentation from City staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

Community Development Commission

April 11, 2023

Watch: Presentation and Q&A from City staff. 

Commission Action: None. 

City Staff Action: None

Next Steps: None.

City Council

March 9, 2023

Watch: Action taken and discussion of amendments by Council 

Read: Resolution from Council, Amendment from Mayor Pro-Tem Ellis, amendment from CM Vela

Council Action: Accepted the ETOD Policy Plan as a resolution with amendments and directed City staff to:

  • Incorporate ETOD policy tools for 11 station areas in the upcoming Northeast Austin District planning process
  • Initiate amendments to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to adopt elements of the ETOD Policy Plan
  • Initiate amendments to City Code Title 25- Land Development Code
  • Begin the work to develop an ETOD Overlay and;
  • Begin the work to develop an Equity Scorecard

And, present an implementation plan that will include: 

  • tools prioritized for implementation
  • targeted outcomes for tool implementation
  • timeline for tool implementation
  • identification of funding sources and other resources for tool implementation; and
  • performance measures to assess tool implementation success
  • Update to be provided by May 26th, 2023 and full implementation plan by September 12th, 2023

City Staff Action: Incorporate amendments by Mayor Pro-Tem Ellis and CM Vela to the ETOD Policy Plan. Begin steps as directed above by Council.