Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)
Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)
Thank you for your interest in Austin’s progress toward equitable transit-oriented development, or ETOD!
On this page, you'll find:
- A quick introduction to equitable transit-oriented development
- The Planning Department's ETOD Policy Plan (see the Spanish version) accepted by City Council by Resolution No. 20230309-016
- Information about the proposed amendment to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan
- Information about the station area planning process
- Frequently Asked Questions about this project
- Some key dates of past City actions and future opportunities to get involved!
What is ETOD?
Equitable transit-oriented development, or ETOD, is built upon the planning approach known as transit-oriented development, or TOD. TOD places jobs, housing, goods, and services within walking and biking distance of transit stops. TOD planning can help communities reduce their car use while also providing them with more transportation options, resulting in more sustainable neighborhoods.
TOD planning, however, has not always benefitted everyone equally. ETOD acknowledges this, and instead works to achieve equitable outcomes by creating opportunities and building communities in which all Austinites are safe, supported, and have the resources to thrive.
The City of Austin is working in partnership with Capital Metro (Austin's transit authority), the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP), and the community to support equitable transit-oriented development as the Project Connect transit system is built. Learn more about the multi-agency ETOD effort on the Project Connect ETOD website.