Streamline and Standardize Your Public Engagement Process

Say goodbye to disjointed, ineffective efforts and hello to a repeatable, seamless process that increases community engagement and public trust.


Meet resident expectations without jumping through hoops.

Reaching a wide array of residents means managing multiple communications channels, events, and in-person meetings. Whether you use a “DIY” approach or have multiple tools, you inevitably spend hours managing information and communicating in multiple formats. With PublicInput, you can easily set up multiple engagement approaches and seamlessly manage them all in one place.

Educate the public

Reduce communications overload.

Without a system to manage engagement, it’s common to see survey fatigue among residents and overflowing inboxes for staff and elected officials. PublicInput helps your team establish a unified platform to coordinate outreach and streamline the management of comments and questions. The result is a smoother process - and residents who feel heard.

GPT Comment Analysis Tool

Save time and duplicated efforts with standards and templates.

When teams work in silos, they often spend hours re-creating content, surveys, and messaging. Worse yet, these varied approaches create inconsistent resident experiences and miss the mark on best practices. Rather than reinventing the wheel for each engagement effort, teams using PublicInput can tap into our library of hundreds of example projects and create their own templates and standards to save time and improve consistency.

Educate the public

Make meetings smoother.

Simplify meeting interactions like registration, sign-in, comments, and AI-powered meeting summaries to streamline your public meeting processes. Ensure inclusivity with translation services for all meeting communications, including real-time multilingual closed captions. Utilize integrated communication tools to quickly send automated meeting notices, reminders, and follow-ups.

Educate the public
Valerie Myers Virginia Beach

"Before we found PublicInput, we were using a lot of different tools and they weren’t speaking directly to one another. Anytime you have to go back through the information you’re gathering and try to tie it back to what you have been hearing, it adds time, it adds complexity, and it adds the space where things can get missed. PublicInput sets itself apart by bringing everything together in one place."


Community Engagement Specialist

Check Out Success Stories from PublicInput Customers


Resources and Tips to Centralize Your Workflow


Other Solutions for Your Community Engagement Needs

Engage using standard survey question formats that you’re used to with consumer survey tools. From the single and multi-select, to Likert, slider, and text input formats, you’ve got the basics covered.