AI Powered Comment Analysis Now Elevated with GPT-4

GPT 4.0 Public Comments

In early 2024, PublicInput launched the GPT Comment Analysis Tool, an innovative solution designed to help community engagement practitioners efficiently identify, sort, and tag public comments.

As former practitioners, we understand that time is one of the most valuable resources for government employees. That’s why we created this tool: to save you time on manual comment analysis, allowing you to focus more on engagement initiatives. Instead of manually combing through public comments to identify key themes, our GPT Comment Analysis Tool excels at providing accurate tagging and uncovering detailed themes, while also analyzing sentiments and applying tags.

Initially launched and integrated with GPT-3.5, we’re now excited to announce the integration of GPT-4.0 into our platform. A significant advancement, this upgrade offers practitioners more accurate comment analysis, enhanced identification of detailed themes, and more reliable data to inform decisions.

According to, “GPT-4 improves on GPT-3.5 models regarding the factual correctness of answers.” By incorporating this advanced AI technology, PublicInput not only keeps your organization at the forefront of innovation but also ensures that your projects are backed by the most precise and reliable insights available, leading to more effective and impactful community engagement.

If you’re interested in learning more about our GPT Comment Analysis Tool, reach out to your customer success manager or request a demo below.

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