Where do you go if you want to learn what the public needs from dog facilities? A dog park!
The City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department underwent a dog park study to determine the public’s interest in dog facilities in the park system. As part of that process, they created a set of questions for the community and created an engagement portal on the PublicInput platform.
Taking Advantage of Offline and Online Community Engagement Efforts
But that wasn’t all. At an event they hosted at a local dog park, staff handed out business cards with the web location so participants could participate on their phones. Others opted to weigh in on a tablet using PublicInput’s Kiosk Mode, participating in real-time. All the streams of feedback received were seamlessly integrated into a single dashboard, including participant contact information.
Staff also attended events around the city to take feedback and test other dog park strategies. PublicInput supported their understanding of participation across all those activities. Once the feedback gathering portion of the process was complete, they analyzed the data to support their decision making and followed up with participants for the implementation phase.

This community assessment project by Raleigh Parks was featured in the national magazine, Parks & Recreation as well as NextCity.org as a example of community inclusivity. You can view the full results of this community assessment project on the project’s website here.