Every state has open government laws regarding requirements and policies for public records and public meetings. A year ago, during Sunshine Week...
Making The Invisible Visible: A Look at Diversity in Local Government and Equity in Community Engagement in 2020
The Diversity Dashboard is a year-round project conducted by ELGL, made possible by their staff and PublicInput.com. First started in 2018, the...
How Hybrid Public Meetings are Reshaping Community Engagement
Hybrid Public Meetings: The Standard for Effective Community Engagement State and local governments are faced with the ongoing challenge of...
Balancing Virtual Engagement and Measurable Results
Balancing Virtual Engagements and Measurable Results White Paper The rapid adoption of virtual engagement technology has closed wide communication...
NCHRP Project “Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Strategies for Future Success” To Enter Next Phase of MPO Outreach
Information Forums will be open to all MPOs and partners to participate in nationwide research project. The first forum, on micromobility, has been...
GovLove Podcast: Community Engagement During COVID-19
Ashley Traynum-Carson from The City of Asheville recently joined PublicInput.com CEO Jay Dawkins on GovLove, the podcast produced by Engaging Local...
Public | Equity Mapping Seminar: Environmental Data Module
This advancing equity seminar walks through how to map data from the EPA EJSCREEN tool directly onto your PublicInput participant data.
Virtual Public Meetings Seminar: WebEx and YouTube
This virtual meetings seminar walks through how to use the Publicinput Webex and YouTube integration features.
Navigating the “new NEPA” — What MPOs & DOTs Need To Know
The National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) — a pillar of environmental law that has undergone little reform since its creation 50 years ago —...
DOT/MPO Virtual Meetings and the ‘Next Normal’
This one-hour webinar covers the results of a nationwide listening effort that asked MPOs and DOTs how they are reaching and engaging the public as...
Local Government & Re-Opening
This one-hour webinar covers the results of a nationwide listening effort that asked local governments how they are reaching and engaging the public...
5 signs that virtual public meetings are here to stay
Mixed-mode surveying — using a variety of traditional and virtual tactics — is a proven public engagement best practice. Now, in light of COVID-19,...