Planning Projects
2025 MPO Federal Certification Review Public Outreach
Every four years our partners at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conduct an evaluation of the Genesee Transportation Council as part of their...
ADA ROW Transition Plan
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester develop a plan to ensure...
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester create a strategy for...
Past Meetings & Events
Joseph Avenue ArtWalk Master Plan Online Public Meeting
Thu, Feb 6 12:00 PM
Both the in-person and virtual meetings will offer information on the above-referenced project. The project will develop a plan to redesign Joseph Avenue between Clifford Avenue and Norton Street. Building on existing arts initiatives on Joseph Avenue, the project will develop a community-centered vision to establish Joseph Avenue as a walkable and bikeable center of arts activity. To achieve this vision, the plan will recommend both transportation and streetscape improvements. The project team will present draft recommendations for public input.To attend the Zoom Video Webinar, please click or type in the address on your web browser and enter the Webinar ID: Webinar ID: 842 2897 9747 Passcode : 088239 Telephone for Audio Conference: (Toll Free) 888-788-0099 or 833-548-0176 We kindly ask that you plan to connect to the meeting 5 to 10 minutes early, at which time you may be placed in a waiting room until the meeting begins. Please plan to attend this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage at to view a PDF of meeting materials that will be posted after the meeting.If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact David Riley at (585) 428-6978 or email at
Joseph Avenue ArtWalk Master Plan In-Person Public Meeting
Wed, Feb 5 6:00 PM
Both the in-person and virtual meetings will offer information on the above-referenced project. The project will develop a plan to redesign Joseph Avenue between Clifford Avenue and Norton Street. Building on existing arts initiatives on Joseph Avenue, the project will develop a community-centered vision to establish Joseph Avenue as a walkable and bikeable center of arts activity. To achieve this vision, the plan will recommend both transportation and streetscape improvements. The project team will present draft recommendations for public input.Please plan to attend this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage at to view a PDF of meeting materials that will be posted after the meeting.If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact David Riley at (585) 428-6978 or email at
Public Workshop - Town of Rush Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety & Connectivity Plan - Outreach #2
Wed, Nov 20 2024 6:00 PM
This public meeting is the second of three meetings for this transportation planning study. The project team will share draft alternatives and strategies aimed to improve safety for all users of the highway and to promote walking and bicycling as viable modes of travel in the Hamlet of Rush and throughout the Town of Rush.Following the presentation, an opportunity for public comments will be provided.
Genesee Riverway Trail Completion Study Community Forum
Sun, Nov 17 2024 11:00 AM
The first public meeting for the Genesee Riverway Trail North Feasibility Study will be on Sunday Nov 17th from 11am-3pm at the Edgerton R Center as part of the Genesee River Community Forum event. The Genesee River Community Forum is being hosted in partnership with the Genesee River Alliance. It will be highlighting all the different ways that the City of Rochester and community partners are investing in the Genesee River corridor, which includes our Riverway Trail Study.This event will be a combination of presentations and open house activities that feature exciting updates about the ROC the Riverway initiative, Inner Loop North Transformation Project, High Falls State Park, the Genesee Riverway Trail North Study and other advocacy efforts being led by various community groups. This format will be beneficial for all the projects and for community members to see everything that’s happening in the area to enhance and improve access to the Genesee River. Free lunch and childcare provided. Spanish and American Sign Language interpreters on site. ADA accessible parking and building.Advance registration is appreciated for planning, but not required.Edgerton R-Center Stardust Ballroom is located close to RTS route 22 - Lake and Phelps.stop.
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy public meeting
Thu, Nov 7 2024 6:00 PM
The first Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study public open house will be held in the evening of Thursday, November 7, 2024, in the Gymnasium at World Of Inquiry School #58, 200 University Ave, Rochester, NY.The public is encouraged to drop in anytime between 6:00 and 7:30 pm to participate in an informal and interactive open house.Participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the goals and desires related to future land use, open space, appearance, and mobility improvements for the Inner Loop North project area. There will be a formal 15-minute presentation beginning at 6:15 pm that will provide an overview of the Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study to date, project goals, and information on how the community can stay involved in the study process.
Featured Planning Projects
2025 MPO Federal Certification Review Public Outreach
Every four years our partners at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conduct an evaluation of the Genesee Transportation Council as part of their...
ADA ROW Transition Plan
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester develop a plan to ensure...
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester create a strategy for...
Genesee Riverway Trail Completion Study
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester develop a feasibility...
Joseph Avenue ArtWalk Master Plan
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester create a Joseph...
2026-2030 Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the timing and funding of all highway, bridge, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and other surface transportation projects scheduled for implementation...
Town of Rush Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety & Connectivity Plan
With Genesee Transportation Council's support of federal planning funds, the Town of Rush in Monroe County, is developing a Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety & Connectivity Plan to identify specific recommendations...
Getting Around Rochester - Transportation Options for Travelers
Welcome to Rochester, New York. Whether you are here visiting for fun, traveling for business or call Rochester and the greater area home, know you have several transportation options to get around...
Rt. 96 over Rt. 14 Interchange Analysis
The purpose of this transportation study is to determine the feasibility and benefits of converting the existing grade-separated intersection of NYS Route 96 and NYS Route 14 in the Town...
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments
TIP Review, Updates and Amendments:
The TIP Development Committee (TDC), a sub-committee of the Planning Committee, guides the development of the new TIP. The TDC is comprised of representatives...
Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.)
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the timing and funding of surface transportation projects scheduled for implementation over the four years using federal transportation funds...
Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map
GTC is pleased to launch an enriched online Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map. It is a digital discovery tool that depicts bicycling facilities and amenities in Monroe and the 8 surrounding...
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
The UPWP is Genesee Transportation Council’s operating plan and annual budget. The UPWP lists the federally funded transportation planning activities that GTC, its member agencies, and other...
GTC Board Meetings
The GTC Board is the governing body of GTC, the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region serving greater Rochester, New York.
GTC will broadcast a livestream of the...
Planning Committee Meetings
The Planning Committee provides professional and technical direction to the GTC Board. With input from sub-committees the Planning Committee reviews and recommends action on all activities and work products...
Active Planning Projects
City of Rochester Alleyway Reactivation and Conversion Program
The Genesee Transportation Council is providing federal planning funds through the 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to help the City of Rochester rethink the role of alleyways...
GTC Feedback Page
Click Participate to learn more.
Ontario County Freight Plan
2024 Total Solar Eclipse Transportation Planning Sector
The primary objective of this transportation planning task is to ensure transportation and other public safety agencies are well-informed, prepared, and ready to execute thorough plans to safely...
Air Quality Conformity Statement for the LRTP 2045 and TIP 2023-2027
The draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2045 and the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program is available...
'23-'27 Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the timing and funding of all highway, bridge, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and other surface transportation projects scheduled for implementation...
Transportation Air Quality Conformity
Transportation Conformity is the process by which metropolitan planning organizations ensure transportation investments included in the region’s TIP conform to the Federal Clean Air Act and demonstrate...
GTC Public Engagement Plan
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are required to develop a collaborative and comprehensive public participation plan for the public and stakeholder communities, to be used in the development...
Bike Map Facility & Amenity Data Collection
We are confident the data on this map is true and accurate as of when we collected it, but the only thing that is constant is change. Bicycling facilities will be added, surface conditions will change...
Long Range Transportation Plan 2045
The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a 25-year plan that establishes transportation priorities for the nine county Genesee-Finger Lakes region. The LRTP provides the strategic direction...
Past Planning Projects
'25-'26 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) | Public Review
The GTC Planning Committee approved the draft operating plan and annual budget known as Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and draft project list, as presented here, for public review at its meeting...
Town of Rush Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety & Connectivity Plan - Outreach #2
The first of the three public meetings was held to solicit input on existing and planned conditions and associated needs. The input from this initial public meeting will influence the development of potential...
2026-2030 Transportation Improvement Program - Call for Projects
GTC and NYSDOT-Region 4 is reaching out to GTC member agencies, and eligible counties, municipalities, and authorities seeking project proposals to compete for federal funding. Prospective...
Village of Fairport's Zoning Code Update
With GTC's support of federal planning funds, the Village of Fairport, Monroe County, is updating its zoning code and map to align with its Comprehensive Plan to strengthen walkability,...
Rt. 96 over Rt. 14 Interchange Analysis - Draft Alternatives Phase
The purpose of this transportation study is to determine the feasibility and benefits of converting the existing grade-separated intersection of NYS Route 96 and NYS Route 14 in the Town...
Village of Fairport's Zoning Code Update- Round 1 Outreach
Thank you for you interest to inform Fairport’s updated zoning code. If you weren’t able to attend one of the presentations, we recommend you watch the video recording first for an overview...
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Freight Plan Update
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Freight Plan is a comprehensive study aimed at improving freight transportation efficiency, safety, and economic competitiveness in the nine-county region. This initiative...
Fairport OCED Parking Study
The Village of Fairport in New York, has experienced tremendous growth over the last five years, with a significant amount of private development. These projects have reenergized our restaurant, retail...
Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan
The Lakeville Corridor Strategic Plan was started in late 2022. This project will result in a strategic plan that identifies access management improvements to businesses and properties,...
Arcade Trail Feasibility Study
The Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study will develop a cohesive set of concept-level plans and strategies, with defined priorities, to guide the Village of Arcade, in Wyoming County, NY, in improving...
Meetings & Events
Past Events
Joseph Avenue ArtWalk Master Plan Online Public Meeting
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Joseph Avenue ArtWalk Master Plan In-Person Public Meeting
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Both the in-person and virtual meetings will offer information on the above-referenced project. The project will develop a plan to redesign Joseph Avenue between Clifford Avenue and Norton Street. Building on existing arts initiatives on Joseph Avenue, the project will develop a community-centered vision to establish Joseph Avenue as a walkable and bikeable center of arts activity. To achieve this vision, the plan will recommend both transportation and streetscape improvements. The project team will present draft recommendations for public input.
Please plan to attend this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage at to view a PDF of meeting materials that will be posted after the meeting.
If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact David Riley at (585) 428-6978 or email at
Public Workshop - Town of Rush Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety & Connectivity Plan - Outreach #2
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This public meeting is the second of three meetings for this transportation planning study. The project team will share draft alternatives and strategies aimed to improve safety for all users of the highway and to promote walking and bicycling as viable modes of travel in the Hamlet of Rush and throughout the Town of Rush.
Following the presentation, an opportunity for public comments will be provided.
Genesee Riverway Trail Completion Study Community Forum
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The first public meeting for the Genesee Riverway Trail North Feasibility Study will be on Sunday Nov 17th from 11am-3pm at the Edgerton R Center as part of the Genesee River Community Forum event. The Genesee River Community Forum is being hosted in partnership with the Genesee River Alliance. It will be highlighting all the different ways that the City of Rochester and community partners are investing in the Genesee River corridor, which includes our Riverway Trail Study.
This event will be a combination of presentations and open house activities that feature exciting updates about the ROC the Riverway initiative, Inner Loop North Transformation Project, High Falls State Park, the Genesee Riverway Trail North Study and other advocacy efforts being led by various community groups. This format will be beneficial for all the projects and for community members to see everything that’s happening in the area to enhance and improve access to the Genesee River.
Free lunch and childcare provided. Spanish and American Sign Language interpreters on site. ADA accessible parking and building.
Advance registration is appreciated for planning, but not required.
Edgerton R-Center Stardust Ballroom is located close to RTS route 22 - Lake and Phelps.stop.
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy public meeting
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The first Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study public open house will be held in the evening of Thursday, November 7, 2024, in the Gymnasium at World Of Inquiry School #58, 200 University Ave, Rochester, NY.
The public is encouraged to drop in anytime between 6:00 and 7:30 pm to participate in an informal and interactive open house.
Participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the goals and desires related to future land use, open space, appearance, and mobility improvements for the Inner Loop North project area. There will be a formal 15-minute presentation beginning at 6:15 pm that will provide an overview of the Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study to date, project goals, and information on how the community can stay involved in the study process.
Both the in-person and virtual meetings will offer information on the above-referenced project. The project will develop a plan to redesign Joseph Avenue between Clifford Avenue and Norton Street. Building on existing arts initiatives on Joseph Avenue, the project will develop a community-centered vision to establish Joseph Avenue as a walkable and bikeable center of arts activity. To achieve this vision, the plan will recommend both transportation and streetscape improvements. The project team will present draft recommendations for public input.
To attend the Zoom Video Webinar, please click or type in the address on your web browser and enter the Webinar ID:
Webinar ID: 842 2897 9747
Passcode : 088239
Telephone for Audio Conference: (Toll Free) 888-788-0099 or 833-548-0176
We kindly ask that you plan to connect to the meeting 5 to 10 minutes early, at which time you may be placed in a waiting room until the meeting begins.
Please plan to attend this important meeting. If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage at to view a PDF of meeting materials that will be posted after the meeting.
If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact David Riley at (585) 428-6978 or email at